Summer of Sheev

Competition ID #: 7794
Status: Finished
Submitted by: WAR Locke Setzer
Competition dates: 2024-06-14 - 2024-08-16
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Secret Order

This summer, House Palpatine (and any other interested parties in the Secret Order) will face three yet-to-be-announced challenges - one for Single Player, one for PvE, and one for PvP. What the exact event may be will not be announced until the event begins, but potential challenges include...

  • Best score in a specific DB battle (TIE, XvT, XWA)
  • Highest score in a PvE match (Helldivers 2, EABF2, Squadrons)
  • Largest number of Cluster of Fires earned (all PvP platforms)
  • Fastest completion time for specific DB battle (XvT, XWA)
  • Highest kill count in a PvE match (Helldivers 2, EABF2, Squadrons)
  • Most unique platforms CoF earned on (all PvP platforms)
  • Lowest score in a specific DB battle (TIE, XvT, XWA)

Additional platforms may be included, but the list above indicates which are expected for each challenge (based on current membership activity trends)

Each event will take place over three weeks, and once a category (SP, PvP, PvE) has been used once, it won't be repeated.

For each individual challenge, Crescents will be awarded to the best-performing members, with the Crescent level to be determined based on the number of participants.

Competition will run from June 14th, 2024 through August 16, 2024

Competition awards:

Crescents (with the level determined by the number of participants in each event)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
Cr-D LT IG-87 For achieving the first place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend NOV Gyot Soto be awarded the Crescent with Diamond Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-D CM Vanguard88 For achieving the best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend MRD Vanguard88 be awarded the Crescent with Diamond Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-R CPT Xylo Pethtel For placing first in the Helldivers Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-R LC Alexandre Morgan For achieving second place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend JUG Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-R MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For achieving the second-best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend MRD KEBLAOMEGA be awarded the Crescent with Ruby Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-A ACO Hector Von Ricmore For placing second in the Helldivers Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-A VA Locke Setzer For achieving third place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend WAR Locke Setzer be awarded the Crescent with Amethyst Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-A LCM Rosh Nyine For achieving the third best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend NOV Rosh Nyine be awarded the Crescent with Amethyst Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-S MAJ Jaxx Nassin For placing third in the Helldivers 2 Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-S GN Jarek La’an For achieving fourth place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend M Jarek La'an be awarded the Crescent with Sapphire Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-S VA Locke Setzer For achieving the fourth best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend KNT Locke Setzer be awarded the Crescent with Sapphire Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-E INQ Taurus For placing fourth in the Helldivers 2 Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-E LC Maston Dane For achieving fifth place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend ST Maston Dane be awarded the Crescent with Emerald Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-E LCM Hera Storm For achieving the fifth best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend ACO Hera Storm be awarded the Crescent with Emerald Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-T LC Alexandre Morgan For placing fifth in the Helldivers 2 Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-T CPT Turel For achieving sixth place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend ADT Turel be awarded the Crescent with Topaz Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-T CPT Nova Discordia For achieving the sixth best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend ACO Nova Discordia be awarded the Crescent with Topaz Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-Q COL Westric Davalorn For placing sixth in the Helldivers 2 Difficulty Challenge for the Summer of Sheev competition 2024-08-25
Cr-Q MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For achieving seventh place in the Summer of Sheev - Star Wars: Hunters Kill Count challenge, I recommend JUG KEBLAOMEGA be awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star! 2024-08-09
Cr-Q COL Westric Davalorn For achieving the seventh best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend ST Westric Davalorn be awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star! 2024-07-08
Cr-Q LCM Ludovicus Gallorum For achieving the seventh best time in the Summer of Sheev - XvT Time Trial challenge, I recommend NOV Ludovicus Gallorum be awarded the Crescent with Quartz Star! 2024-07-08