The Guard 32 ABY T12: Trainitatus

Competition ID #: 7787
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Taurus
Competition dates: 2024-05-01 - 2024-08-31
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Secret Order

Crescents awarded based on Participation (up to Diamond Tier)
Titles: Unique Titles to be won based on your placement:
1st: Guardian of the Council
2nd: Guardian of the First Circle
3rd: Guardian of the Second Circle
4th: Guardian of the Third Circle
5th: Guardian of the Fourth Circle
6th: Guardian of the Fifth Circle

Competition awards:

Dark Greetings,

The next round of The Guard is upon us:

The Guard is an organization in our subgroup dedicated to protect and fight. Every game you play, every activity you complete will let you earn points, points that will rank you against everyone else. The best six will get a permanent title on their profile.

  • If you play Multiplayer; your points will get automatically added.
  • For SP please send me a screenshot of your BSF of a completed TIE/XvT/XWA-DB Battle. Every Battle is capped for one new Submission per month and you can send me the files in one mail in the end of a month or every time you completed a battle.
  • All Activities that gives you an Award gets you additional points
  • New Rule: To qualify for an appointment you need to submit two fictions in the whole four months

A Spreadsheet will be provided on the Discord, where a scoreboard will be listed.
This competition calculates in all activities done between May 1st and August 31th 2024

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.