League of Assassins

Competition ID #: 7704
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ST Legion Ordo
Competition dates: 2023-10-08 - 2023-11-05
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Brotherhood

This is a call to all Assassins within the brotherhood

There is silence...and there is just absolutely no kills...as assassins, this cannot continue. I am calling out all the best assassins within the game Elite Dangerous to prove the art of precision killing has not been lost to this brotherhood.

Rules of the Competition:
Both Ground and Space born assassination missions are accepted
Only the HIGHEST credit award will be counted upon completion of a mission
Only 1 screenshot submission allowed per member
-This is NOT a spam contest. We are looking for whoever can get the highest score, not a collective amount.
You may replace a previous submission with one that is of a higher credit award.

Prove to the brotherhood that you are silent killers that should fear the shadows!

Competition awards:

All Variants of Crescent (where applicable)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
Cr-D INQ Taurus For ranking in first place in the League of Assassins competition, gaining over 3 million credits, I am recommending the Diamond Star Crescent to INQ Taurus. Well done indeed! 2023-11-06
Cr-R COL TheBlackxRanger For ranking in second place in the League of Assassins competition, gaining over 300 thousand credits , I am recommending the Ruby Star Crescent to WAR TheBlackxRanger. 2023-11-06
Cr-A CPT Drun'der Chuanach For ranking in third place in the League of Assassins competition, gaining over 200 thousand credits , I am recommending the Amethyst Star Crescent to .ACO Drun'der Chuanach. 2023-11-06