Ranger GFX

Competition ID #: 77
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Loor
Competition dates: 2002-11-25 - 2002-12-02
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Ranger squadron

Create a logo for using as official banner for Ranger.

Competition awards:

Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
DFC CM Hellionexus For winning the COO Monthly Challenge: December with 29 kills/assists. 2015-01-17
DFC MAJ Landon Cruise For winning the COO Monthly Challenge for November with 29 kills. 2014-12-01
DFC MAJ Landon Cruise For winning the COO Monthly Challenge for October with 31 kills. 2014-12-01
DFC MAJ Nolij For winning the COO Monthly Challenge for September with 31 kills. 2014-12-01
DFC MAJ Landon Cruise For getting the highest kill count of 30 during COO Monthly Challenge for August. All other requirements met. 2014-08-31
DFC MAJ Landon Cruise For getting the most kills during one Domination or Team Battle mode for the COO Monthly Challenge. All other requirements have been met. 2014-07-31
DFC MAJ Landon Cruise For gaining the highest amount of kills in one round of Domination mode for the COO Monthly Challenge of May with 21 kills. Also submitted two other entries, one at 20 kills, and one at 17 kills. 2014-07-09
DFC HA Plif For getting the highest number of kills (24) on 'COO Monthly Challenge' combat event for the month of June. All other requirements for the award have been met. 2014-06-30
DFC HA Plif For getting the 22 kills in one Domination match, the most for the month of April of the COO Monthly Challenge competition. Other specific DFC requirements were also met. 2014-05-26
DFC LCM Julon Lommax For getting the most kills (22) in a Domination match in COO Monthly Challenge March. 2014-04-03
DFC AD Mell Kerrigan For placing first in COO Monthly Challenge - January 2014-02-04