No Biff, Pows, or Uffs here

Competition ID #: 6308
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ST Jade Night
Competition dates: 2011-04-10 - 2011-04-28
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Prophets Battleteam

Wanting to make our Battle Team unique and something to set us apart from those Sith and Oblesk which are clearly not as awesome as us Krath I want your help in coming up with our own fighting style/move.

This is your chance to be creative and help build the Battle Team up for the future as well. This will be a month long competition to give you the chance to ask questions come up with ideas. If all you can think of is a couple moves send them in. You may find them at least incorporated into our style.

In your style make sure you add, where appropriate to your move or style:

  1.  A description of the style, when it is taught, if there are various levels to grow into, so that as you practice you gain a bit more in power.
  2. How you stand, what angles your body is, what feet positions etc.

  3. Strikes: Where you generally start the strike ie. Shoulder, waist etc.

  4. Defence: How you can use it in defence, or what the weakness could be if you were practiced enough to know how to defend against it if a fellow BT member tried to use it on you.

  5. Movement: How still or how slightently the practitioner moves. Are they always moving? Are they low or do they stand tall? Etc.

  6. Training: Make sure you mention that it is only taught to our Battle Team, but when do you learn? Is there a time requirement? A rank requirement? If there are various levels to the power, make sure you mention when each level is taught.

Remember we are Krath but that doesn’t mean we can’t kick some ass!

Have fun with this one!!

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Competition awards:

Medals: 1st= Cr-1E, 2nd=Cr-1T, Cr-1Q

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.