Symbols, it’s all about symbols.

Competition ID #: 6307
Status: Finished
Submitted by: ST Jade Night
Competition dates: 2011-02-10 - 2011-02-25
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Prophets Battleteam

Besides a war cry, and the way we fight, we always want to leave an impression. Whether that impression be the symbol on our armour or the impression of the Battle Teams symbol on the face/body of your enemy.

Your mission here is to create a symbol in any graphics program or by hand for our Battle Team. Top 2 will get awards, the first place will make history by giving us our own symbol. Can be anything, and should leave room enough that we can put the motto on it, or feel free to put the motto on it yourself.

Good luck and I look forward to what you have coming!!

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Competition awards:

Medals: 1st= Cr-1E, 2nd=Cr-1T

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.