An Omega Competition

Competition ID #: 6139
Status: Finished
Submitted by: KNT Lonewolf
Competition dates: 2007-08-25 - 2007-09-08
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Omega squadron

We need a small competition so I've cooked up one: An Omega Competition 1) Flying Complete any of the following FREE Missions and one with highest score wins! TIE-FREE #181 - First Strike: http://www.ehTIE XvT-FREE #103 - Rebel raid on DX-73: http://www.ehTIE XWA-FREE #17 - Black Ops: http://www.ehTIE BoP-FREE #120 - House Ronin: Conquer: http://www.ehTIE Award: IS-BW 2) Fiction/Poetry Write a one page 12pt Times New Roman fiction piece telling your story about coming into Omega Squadron OR write a fifteen lines poem about your coming into Omega Squadron. Award: IS-BR 3) Run-On Take part in the Run-On "Omega's Break Room" in the Omega Squadron Message Board. One with the best post wins! URL: Award: IS-BR 4) Graphic Create a graphic related to Omega Squadron and best one wins a shiny Bronze Ribbon. Award: IS-BR

Competition awards:
  1. Flying: IS-BW 2) Fiction/Poetry: IS-BR 3) Run-O

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.