Operation : Eclipse - The Okievy Cult Invasion

Competition ID #: 6124
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Destavol Gin
Competition dates: 2009-09-01 - 2009-10-01
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Brotherhood Wide Competition

Dark Brotherhood Operation : Eclipse "The Okievy Cult"

Judges : Czulvang Lah, Destavol Gin

Competition Details

The Dark Brotherhood has been on a slow pace to rebuild itself since the Exodus several years ago. Over this
period of time many of the former planets, ships, and bases that once were the Brotherhood's have been lost,
many of out brothers and sisters lost to battle, betrayal and defection. In its current state the Brotherhood has
been spotted and noted as weakened by several of its enemies. This has caused small uprising all over the
territories of the Dark Brotherhood, but most all of them have been nothing more than a thorn in the side. This
was until the recent assault on a hidden DB temple and library on the secret black moon of Abyssia. The
moon was thought a perfect location to hide a large amount of the Brotherhood's surplus and many ancient
holocrons and records from several of our former Grand Master's and even a handful of the most powerful of
Dark Lords.

Abyssia is considered a 'dead moon' because its core has long since stopped spinning, thus rendering the
moon lifeless and unhabitable. Over the past nine years the moon has frozen over in ice and massive lightning
storms plague the surface of Abyssia, which has caused considerable damage to the temple and library. It was
thought that retrieving the materials from both the temple and library were pointless as the storms provided the
best defense from anyone attempting to capture them, but this was proven wrong nearly three days ago when
visions of Abyssia coming under the reign of a new enemy came to both the Grand Master and Deputy Grand
Master. To place them at ease a small recon team were dispatched to Abyssia to ensure that the Brotherhood's
materials were all safe. The last message from the team was that they had discovered resistance from some
a large number of highly skilled warriors and that there were in fact force users leading them.

The recon team were all slaughtered, and their heads sent back to Eos in black boxes. A message was also
delivered with the boxes stating that the moon was now under the control of the Okievy Cult, and that all possesions
on the surface were now theirs, and should the Dark Brotherhood attempt to move against them or retrieve any
of the materials, there would be war.. Needless to say this sent the Dark Council into an outrage and it was
only a matter of hours before all members of the Dark Council decided to mark the Okievy Cult as an enemy
and declare a state of war against them. The orders to dispatch the Hetaeria of the Brotherhood was made by
Grand Master Lah, and seconded by all of the Dark Council.

A second recon team was dispatched, and its mission was succesful. The team reported that the Dark Order
have quickly moved a small Battle Group to defend the moon, along with establishing two Platform Battlestations
to further defense. The Dark Order's numbers are estimated between 1400 to 1800, including at least 400-450
Dark Jedi to command them. It is believed that these Dark Jedi are rogues that were either to weak to survive
the path of the Dark Side, or were exiled. The leader of the Dark Order is a Dark Jedi Primarch by the name of
Erenas Valoth which has issued a challange of war to Grand Master Czulvang Lah. Valoth has as War Council
built up of eight other powerful Dark Jedi. Three of them ar Dark Adepts, Erica Valoth, Sars Kenki and Duldus
Mar. Two are Warlords, Vincent Arkanivek and Markus Aranivek both are brothers. The final three are Krath
Epis, Keia Kenki, Malak Tor, and Levia Mordissia. It is believed that the lowest ranking Dark Jedi under their
command is ranked at Guardian, giving them a powerful force of force users to work with.

It will be a long, costly, and terrible war for the Brotherhood that will result in casualties on both sides but the
Dark Brotherhood must not allow this new cult to continue to grow but considering its current strength the Dark
Brotherhood will have several problems over taking the cult, and finding just how deeply rooted this new enemy
truelly is.

Hetaeria Operations

At this point in the Operation the Dark Brotherhood knows very little about its new enemy, and what is known
is that even with the slight recon that was successful, we will need more to acchieve victory over the Okievy Cult.
Each Hetaeria will participate in their own separate Run-Ons to begin with each with a separate mission objective,
there will also be side activities to take part in. This competition will be valued on points and there shall be several
winners but of course there will be 3 over all winners to this. Once the first phase is completed the Brotherhood will
then move into one Run-On and new activities will be released for the membership to take part in. The second phase
will determine the outcome of this operation and the victor of the competition ultimately as it will be worth more points
than the first. Below is a list of the activities and how many points they are worth.

Hetaeria Run-On Post - 5 Points per post
Jedi Outcast MP - Win = 3 Points, Lose = 1 Point
Jedi Academy MP - Win = 3 Points, Lose = 1 Point
Battlefront 2 - Win = 5 Points, Lose = 2 Points
Hetaeria Fiction - 8 Points Per Page
Operation Eclipse Fiction - 8 Points Per Page
Operation Eclipse Graphics - 5 Points Per Image, 3 for poorly designed Images
Operation Eclipse Trivia - 1st Place 10 Points, 2nd Place 5 Points
URL Hunt - 1st Place 10 Points, 2nd Place 5 Points

Below are the topics to be used in Hetaeria and Operation fiction pieces.

Hetaeria Validus

"Write about how yourself and your Hetaeria intercepted a shipment of goods belonging to the Okievy Cult. Be sure to include
what you found, and how you captured them. "

Hetaeria Taranis

"You and two other team mates from your Hetaeria are sent on a scouting mission to retrieve confidential data about the
Okievy Cult. You may choose to either infiltrate one of their vessels, or one of their bases on the moon Abyssia."

Hetaeria Cethin

"The Cethin Hetaeria shall be spear heading an invasion of a Platform nearby Abyssia. It is well armed and defended by the
Okievy Cult. Include details about losses on both sides, and what tactics were used to capture the platform."

Hetaeria Maelstrom

"You're sent to find a spy amongst your Hetaeria, you may not choose an actual member to be the spy. Be sure to include
details as to how you discovered the spy from beginning to end, and what you do to eliminate the threat."

Operation Eclipse Fiction

"You awaken, you remember very little about how you arrived here all you know is that you are unarmed and there are two
Dark Jedi looking down at you. The markings on their robes indicate they are of Okievy Origins. You notice one of them
is holding your lightsaber, and thats when you realize you've been captured and brought to Abyssia. Write a piece of fiction
about how you escape from the Okievy Cult and return to the Brotherhood.

Trivia and URL Hunts will change every week. The Hetaeria Run-Ons will be started by the Judges of the Operation, Czulvang Lah
and Destavol Gin - as well as they shall be moderated by both judges. At the end of the first phase all posts will be tallied up and
points awarded for the Run-On. For points to be awarded for JO and JA gaming, all members must be sure to take a screenshot of
their victory and include both their full ID line and PIN along with their opponants full ID line and PIN. Once Phase two begins additional
gaming ladders may be added to boost activity..

Competition awards:

1st Place Over All - Cr-1D, 2nd Place Over All - Cr-1R, 3rd Place Over All - Cr-1A, 1st Place Operation Fiction - Cr-1S, 2nd Place Operation Fiction - Cr-1E, 1st Place Hetaeria Fiction - Cr-1E, 2nd Place Hetaeria Fiction - Cr-1T, 1st Place Operation Graph

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.