SWTOR Feast of Prosperity

Competition ID #: 6115
Status: Finished
Submitted by: KNT Colo Delste
Competition dates: 2021-10-14 - 2021-11-02
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Gaming

Funded by the Hutts, Baboorga the Abundant and Duuba The Magnanimous, the Feast of Prosperity publicly serves as a chance for the Hutts to share their wealth and generosity. It also strengthens the Hutt Cartel's political connections as the flashy parties and banquets attract wealthy donors and build mutually-beneficial relationships. Suspicious of the motives and ultimate goals of the Hutt Cartel, Dark Brotherhood operatives will go undercover to infiltrate the festivals, working behind the scenes in order to gather vital intelligence on Hutt Cartel activities and associates.
Members of the Dark Brotherhood will earn Prosperity Tokens by completing any of the four types of daily quests for the event and the weeklies that go with them. The dailies include serving quests, cooking quests, the gathering quests, and world boss quests. To start the Feast of Prosperity Event, look for the Festival Crier character on the Fleet near the northern elevator on the Republic fleet and near the southern elevator on the Imperial Fleet.

Tokens can be earned on any character but are Legacy-bound. Tokens earned during the Event but before the comp was announced will still count. DB members who earn 10,000 Prosperity Tokens and submit a screenshot of the currency tab of their inventory screen showing 10,000/10,000 tokens will be eligible to receive a Crescent with Emerald Star. Screenshots of rewards earned with Prosperity Tokens such as armor, titles or decorations will also count but a single screenshot of the currency tab is preferred. The first person to submit a 10,000 token screenshot will receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star and 1,000,000 credits. Once you have submitted your screenshot displaying 10,000 Prosperity Tokens, your participation in the comp is complete and you can cash in your tokens for event rewards and continue earning more tokens for more rewards!

Screenshots are to be submitted to ACO Aardvark by email - aardvark.tiecorps@gmail.com

Competition awards:

Being first to attain 10,000 Prosperity Tokens - 1Cr-A + 1 million credits (in game currency).

Attaining 10,000 Prosperity Tokens - 1Cr-E

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.