Starfighter Superiority

Competition ID #: 6113
Status: Finished
Submitted by: KNT Colo Delste
Competition dates: 2021-10-01 - 2021-10-31
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Gaming - Starfighter Sims

As the Dark Brotherhood travels the Unknown Regions, it often finds itself in conflict with pirates, smugglers, non aligned factions and the upstart New Republic.

To that end, the Dark Brotherhood is placing a bounty on these enemies of the Empire.

For the month of October, pilots PvP and PvE victories in Star Wars: Squadrons, X-wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance will be collated. Each victory is worth 1 point. Clusters of Fire collected in that period will be worth an additional 2 points.

The pilot with the highest points at the end of the month will be awarded an Amethyst Crescent

Second place a Crescent -Sapphire.
Third place a Crescent - Emerald
Fourth place a Crescent - Topaz
Fifth place a Crescent- Quartz

To your ships, pilots! For the glory of the Brotherhood!

  • Explanatory Note: PvE includes single and multiplayer
Competition awards:

1st - Cr-1A
2nd - Cr-1S
3rd - Cr-1E
4th - Cr-1T
5th - Cr-1Q

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.