Sword of Clan Drakonan Fiction and Design Competition

Competition ID #: 6078
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Silvius
Competition dates: 2017-01-01 - 2017-02-28
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Clan Darkonan

Sword of Clan Drakonan Fiction and Design Competition

Silvius was standing in the front of the clan. He has taken the position as consul from Pell and now this was his first meeting of the clan as consul.

“Dark greetings everyone,

While taking over the refuge of the Consul of Clan Drakonan, I found the remains of the scared Sword of Clan Drakonan.
A sword which was given to the best member of the clan in a month. He had to defend it, so he could hold it next month again. When he failed, the sword was taken by the challenger.
It is sad to see, that a relic of the clan was destroyed. The sword was stolen from its last owner SBL Anahorn Dempsey. It was found but it was destroyed on the hunting.

It is a shame, that such a relict was destroyed by filthy rebels. We want let us disturb because of this. We will restore the sword and get a tradition of competition back.

So every Sith has the task to find those rebels and give me a report about it and to forge a new sword for the clan Drakonan.....”

Task fiction comp:
Write a report about the hunting of the rebels who had stolen the sword of Clan Drakonan.
Make sure that the clan get his revenge. You can start where you want, even at the point when the sword was stolen.
Minimum is at least two sites in Arial. Size 11.

Task image comp:
Create a new sword of Clan Drakonan, which is worth to be defend! Design a new image of a sword, which can be used for the “Sword of Clan Drakonan” competition.
The time when the member wheels the sword can be added to the ID line as an honour.

The winner of the graphic comp and image comp will get the following awards:
CR-S (5 participator or more)
CR-E (4 participator)
CR-T (3 participator)
CR-Q (2 participator or less)

Competition awards:

The winner of the graphic comp and image comp will get the following awards:
CR-S (5 participator or more)
CR-E (4 participator)
CR-T (3 participator)
CR-Q (2 participator or less)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.