Stingray Banner

Competition ID #: 6076
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Silvius
Competition dates: 2016-10-16 - 2016-11-30
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Stingray Battle Team

The numbers of our members in the Battle Team are rising. It’s time to show everyone who we are!
Your task is it to design a new banner for the Battle Team. You can do it per hand, as a photo collage or with pc. There are no limits in designing.
There are two conditions: the banner has to include the banner/symbol of Clan Drakonan and the symbol. Remember, we are the “Flying Sith”!
Everything else is up to you. Get your entries to your BTL, SW Silvius, until the 30th November 2016 via email. He is the judge.
Your work will be honored with a Crescent:
Cr-E/T/Q with 4 participants or more
Cr-T/Q with 3 participants
Cr-T with 2 participants

Competition awards:

Cr-E/T/Q with 4 participants or more
Cr-T/Q with 3 participants
Cr-T with 2 participants

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.