Validus's War Banner extended

Competition ID #: 6000
Status: Finished
Submitted by: SOR Blade
Competition dates: 2009-06-02 - 2009-06-20
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Validus

Now as you may have noticed Validus's Forum Board lacks something important. A banner. This is just as important as a logo because visitors to the board will look at the banner and if they are impressed the odds of them staying a while are increased. This is another graphics competition and I urge you to look at the images already posted on this board to help you make a banner thought by know means am I telling you to take those images. Just use those already created for ideas for themes.

Now to the guidelines: I am grading submissions based on the following (you will notice that these are the same as the logo competition)

-appeal (make it look good)
-theme (remember we are dark jedi
pirates, it has to match our
-quality (just make it decent if needed we can get someone to improve it so this the least of the guidelines to consider.

overall focus on the appeal and theme of the banner.

So you may be asking yourself "I made a logo, can I just use that and stretch the image out?"
answer: No. I guess you could incorporate it but don't make it your main image and I'd hesitate to use it unless its needed because too much repetition is just bad.

Good Luck!

Competition awards:

Cr-1E, Cr-1T, Cr-1Q

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.