HET #1's pretty picture book.

Competition ID #: 5992
Status: Finished
Submitted by: SOR Blade
Competition dates: 2009-02-04 - 2009-02-24
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: HET #1

The goal of this competition is to make a picture of our HET landing on our new home for the first time. I guess you'd see the ship and we would all be in it for the most part. I'd like you to use your imagination as to what the planet may look like. It would be uninhabited by EH members but still would be in EH territory.

Any form of picture is accepted even stick figures because every idea counts. I'm more looking for a good idea. The picture itself can be improved at a later time.

Only thing I wish is that it isn't in .bmp but something I can open like .jpg etc. Also any ? of gender ask them please if you are using their persona in the picture.

Good Luck!

Competition awards:

Cr-1S, Cr-1E, Cr-1T or whatever I can get away with.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.