Defend hades

Competition ID #: 5740
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Kaisin Mirtez
Competition dates: 2007-08-05 - 2007-09-05
Subgroup: Directorate
Units involved: Hades

Hades is in troubel and we have been cut off from the rest of the EH. It is there for up to us to defend our planet. We must remove the blight of the rebels from our planet.

You are tasked with destroying the rebels in several ways.

  1. Eaw and FoC- SP and MP battles, For every victory you will recive 2 pt, for every loss you will recive 1 pt.
  2. Battlefront 1 or 2- SP or MP, 3 pt for every victory, 1 pt for every loss.

After you receive 20pts you will recive a SotT, After reciving 4 SotT-s you will recivie an award for your region that you will be able to use in an upcoming competition of mine.

Must send screen shots of victorys and or losses, remeber the loosses count as well. If playing MP, I need the screen shot of the two players and the scores. Email all screen shots and what you did to with the subject Defend Hades

Competition awards:

Seal of the Tactician for every 20pt's

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.