inter club frag fest 2010

Competition ID #: 5669
Status: Finished
Submitted by: KNT Horus Blackheart
Competition dates: 2010-08-14 - 2010-08-20
Subgroup: Emperor's Hammer
Units involved:

The inter club frag fest consists of multiple gaming ladders for a variety of platforms (ja eaw xwa swgb ect) it involves the emperors hammer (all subgroups welcome) vast empire and rebel squadrons. Players will be entered in to all ladders they have supported games for. initial parings will be sent out via email to the people signed up. It is then up to both players to arrange and play a set of 2 out of 3 games with in a 48 hour window. if people cant make the arranged match time they are to inform the over-site team if the reason is valid then the match up will;; be rescheduled. Non valid reasons (at the discretion of the over site team) match dodging and cheaters risk forfeit.

each pairing plays 2/3 matches the winner advances to the next round of the appropriate ladder, the looser is eliminated from that ladder bit can still compete in other ladders they have entered.

Awards will be given out for each game one and for ladders one after the week Specifics will be group and club dependent.
Initial parings and rules of engagement to follow

basic rules of engagement are:

rules of engagement are yet to be finalised but should look something
like this:

1: When a challenge is made participants have 48 hours to set a match
time. If that match time is missed with out good reason I would consider
it forfeit. (in short all I\'m expecting is notice if people cant play at
the time they arranged, they have a week after all.) if people miss the
second attempt they are forfeit (no exceptions) same apply s to cheaters.

2: Rules of engagement for XWA

Standers craft must be used(t/I unless both players state that they
agreed different set ups.

The \"W\"trick is opt in not opt out players must declare they use it
before the match

no running to recharge
other than that its standard rules.

3: EAW

agreed maps only (TBA

NO hero\'s
NO super weapons
cred limit 5000

JA Standard rules apply.

swgb TBA

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.