Test of intelligence

Competition ID #: 5654
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CM Fahrer
Competition dates: 2005-01-10 - 2005-02-10
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Wing IX

From the 10th of January I will post a riddle on the Wing IX message boards in a topic created specifically for the goal. Participants will e-mail me the answer. They have three guesses. They get 10 points for correct answer on 1st guess, 5 for 2nd and 3 for 3rd. If the riddle is hard, I might also add hints when replying to a wrong answer. If the pilot can describe what every part of the riddle refers to, he is awarded a bonus 2 points. After 1 month, medals are awarded for pilots with highest scores. If scores for 1st/2nd place are equal between pilots, they are asked trivia questions or additional riddles. NOTES: Riddles might not be Star Wars/EH related and will most certainly not require any sort of knowledge on any subject; permission has been granted by WC/MAJ Rejili Holthaus; a list with the riddles is ready if it is needed for any reason.

Competition awards:

1st place - IS-SR, 2nd place - IS-BR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.