ATF/ WIng IX Run-On #1

Competition ID #: 5308
Status: Finished
Submitted by: VA Ky Terrak
Competition dates: 2004-09-19 - 2004-10-09
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Avenger Task Force, Wing IX

This Comp is to try and promote some activity. The 1 pilot who posts the most amount of usefull posts will receive an IS-SR. 2nd, 3rd and 4th will receive an IS-BR.The following will be posted on the MBs Waking up with the battle alarm blarring and his complink beeping, Vice Admiral Terrak realised that he feel asleep at his desk again. "What could be going on to have the battle alarms going like that?" He though to himself. "Terrak here," he spoke into the comlink. "Admiral, we have a strike fleet coming out of hyperspace at the end of the system." "Lieutenant get the Briefing Room ready....Now" he told the communications officer on the other end. VA Terrak cut the transmission, still trying to wake up he puched in the codes to contact his wing and squadron commanders. "This is Admiral Terrak, we have a strike fleet coming out of hyperspace at the edge of the system. Commanders I need all of your pilots in the BR now." "Are they rebs Sir?" That was Commander Predator's voice. "Right now CM I know just as much as you do. Lets get to the BR and find out what the hell is going on." Running into the BR he saw that his tactical staff had already assembled and were passing around data cards. "Lieutenant Commander?" Terrak asked the closest one to him. "These are the reports that we have Sir." Looking over the information that he was given he began to consider all the posibilites and prepare for an attack. By now all the pilots had filed in and were waiting on his instructions. His Wing Commanders had taken their normal chairs at the front left of the room. He stood at front center of the room and began. "Thanks for getting here so quickly" Terrak said turning on the vid screen. The vid screen came to life, showing the edge of the system. "This is what we have so far"....... Additional Contacts

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.