ISD Challenge Domination Bonanza!

Competition ID #: 4755
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Coranel Both
Competition dates: 2005-07-01 - 2005-07-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: ISD Challenge

This competition will pit all six squadrons of the Challenge against each other to determine which squadron is the Top Squadron of them all! It will consist of six events, spanning the entire month of July. First place in an event will earn that squadron three points, second place will earn the squadron two points, and third place will earn the squadron one point. Squadron with the most points at the end of July, wins! Events: 1) Graphics competition. The topic of this event is "Destroying an SSSD." It will run the entire month. IS-SR to the winner, IS-BR to the runner up. 2) Fiction competition. The topic of this event is "Locke being the butt end of a huge and grand practical joke." It will run the entire month. IS-SR to the winner, IS-BR to the runner-up. 3) Trivia competition. It will consist of four rounds, one each week. Each Friday, I will send out a list of 10 trivia questions to the members of the wing. Grading will be based on correct answers. If in the event of a tie, first one turned in gets the higher placement. Each week, the first place pilot will get 3 points, second place gets 2 points, and third place gets 1 point. Totals will be tallied at the end of the month, and appropriate medals will be given out, as well as points to squadrons. IS-SR to the winner, IS-BR to the runner-up. 4) Citations Competition. The squadron that gains the most citations over the month of July will earn three points, the second most squadron gets two points, and the third most squadron will get one point. 5) TIE Golf! This comp will be a "low score wins" flying competition, featuring a TIE-FREE and a XWA-FREE. Will run from July 1 through July 15. IS-SW to the winner, IS-BW to the runner-up. 6) FCHG Race! The pilot with the most missions flown during these dates wins the IS-SW, runner-up gets the IS-BW. Will run from July 16 through July 31.

Competition awards:

IS-SR's to the particpants of the winning squadron

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.