A Rise, Fall & a Birthday!!!!!

Competition ID #: 4349
Status: Finished
Submitted by: GN Master
Competition dates: 2007-06-06 - 2007-07-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire EH

Big things this week incase you haven’t noticed, the infamous HA Frodo has retired from FO and AD Bonini has been promoted to the mighty Flight Officer position (congrats Danny). Additionally (and probably most importantly) it's again that time again to celebrate my birthday. So in an effort to instill some of my insanity (god knows i gots alot of it) upon you poor poor people i have come up with an interesting plotline for a new competition. Your goal, Create a battle with the overall plotline focusing on Frodo's sad retirement, Daniel's rise to power & me getting another bloody year older. Rules: Any platform which includes our lesser utilized ones. Must be a minimum of 4 missions and all TAC submission requirements must of course be followed. In addition to the normal awards going out, im adding group prizes. Groups could include Pairs, Squadrons, House's, two Squadrons, Platoon or a Wing. All entries submitted by a group must contain an additional text file containing all names of those who helped with its creation, as well as explaining what each member did. This will be paramount when it comes to awarding medals. All Battles are due no later than the 31st of July.

Competition awards:

IS-GR, IS-SR, IS-BR (or subgroup equivalents) for

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.