Sword of Drakonan

Competition ID #: 4128
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Crsepe
Competition dates: 2015-01-01 - 2015-12-31
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Clan Drakonan

A points tracking system that allows everyone to compete in a friendly manner. Points are assigned to specific activities and awards. Each time you complete an activity, you will automatically get the points. At the end of each month the points will be tallied and the leader becomes the "Sword of Drakonan" for the month. You will only hold the title as long as you can keep your fellow Dark Reavers from snatching it away, so you will need to stay on top of the points total or risk losing it the next month.

Competition awards:

Each month the top three members with receive a Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st place, a Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd place, and a Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd place. At the end of the year the top three point scores will receive a Gold Nova, Silver Nova, and Bronze Nova respectively.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.