Love is in the Air?

Competition ID #: 3738
Status: Finished
Submitted by: INQ Talons Pryde
Competition dates: 2008-02-01 - 2008-02-29
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Alpha squadron

Since this is February (the traditional month of Romance), Alpha Squadron has found itself feeling the love. Well, sort of. Write a Fiction on your character's (or someone else's with their permission) search for or existing romance. It must be at least 1 page, single spaced, 10 to 14 point readable font in doc, rtf, or Works Word Processor format. Submissions will be judged on content, creativity, and style. Please use spell check. Grammar is important. E-mail Line must be: pilot name - Love is in the Air? Submission

Competition awards:

Iron Star: Bronze Ribbon

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.