Epsilon Tuesday Trivia

Competition ID #: 3581
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CPT Nova Discordia
Competition dates: 2023-08-01 - 2023-08-28
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Epsilon Squadron

A Timed Event with ten trivia questions will be created on the following dates and sent out to the pilots of Epsilon Squadron:

Round One: Tuesday 1st August 2023
Round Two: Tuesday 8th August 2023
Round Three: Tuesday 15th August 2023
Round Four: Tuesday 22nd August 2023

Whoever answers the most questions correctly in the shortest amount of time each week will win an IS-BR.

Each correct answer will earn its submitter one point. At the end of the competition month, the pilot with the most points wins an IS-SR.

Ties will be broken by totaling up the amount of time each pilot took answering the questions each week, with shortest totals winning.

As an additional incentive, for any pilot who earns 30 points or more earned during the four weeks of this competition, will earn an IS-CR.

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR CM Leofric For taking FIRST PLACE during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia with 40 Total Points and an impressive 681 seconds over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend LCM Leofric for a IS-SR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-BR CM Leofric For winning ROUND FOUR of Epsilon Tuesday Trivia with the most points in the shortest amount of time, it gives me great pleasure to recommend LCM Leofric for a IS-BR. Well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-BR MAJ Witcher For winning ROUND THREE of Epsilon Tuesday Trivia with the most points in the shortest amount of time, it gives me great pleasure to recommend MAJ Witcher for a IS-BR. Well done pilot! 2023-08-23
IS-BR LCM Gian Webb For winning ROUND TWO of Epsilon Tuesday Trivia with the most points in the shortest amount of time, it gives me great pleasure to recommend LT Gian Webb for a IS-BR. Well done pilot! 2023-08-17
IS-BR MAJ Witcher For winning ROUND ONE of Epsilon Tuesday Trivia with the most points in the shortest amount of time, it gives me great pleasure to recommend MAJ Witcher for a IS-BR. Well done pilot! 2023-08-09
IS-CR CM Lenan-she Chaabar For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR MAJ Witcher For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR LCM Ludovicus Gallorum For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR LCM Gian Webb For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR GN Coranel Both For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR CM Leofric For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05
IS-CR GN Ric Hunter For achieving at least 30 points during Epsilon Tuesday Trivia over the four rounds of the competition during August 2023, it gives me great pleasure to recommend you for a IS-CR - well done pilot! 2023-09-05