Epsi-Cola: Taste the Ion Crackle!

Competition ID #: 3576
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CM Nova Discordia
Competition dates: 2023-07-02 - 2023-08-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Epsilon Squadron

Epsi-Cola, Inc – Needs YOU!

The beverage created by Epsilon Pilots needs a re-brand and additional information to add to its long history, which you can read about here:


You have a number of tasks to complete to support this galaxy wide drink sensation!


Think of a catchy and memorable ‘motto’ for Epsi-Cola to wow potential customers! This must be original, and not plagiarised from any real-life drinks (although you can take inspiration from them).

Banner/Can Design

Create a banner design to replace the current Epsilon one used as a placeholder on the wiki-website.


Write some fiction (minimum 500 words) about the past of Epsi-Cola – your story prompt is: The Legend of Valin Tusk.

Please send all submissions to CMDR Nova Discordia at: DiscordiaSicarius@mail.com

Competition awards:

You will gain points depending on how many of the above tasks you complete within the competition timeframe:

Motto – 2 POINTS
Banner – 5 POINTS
Fiction – 5 POINTS Per 500 Words (rounded down).

1. First Place Winner – IS-SR x1, Up to: IS-BR x 3,
The first place winner will be the pilot with the highest total score. They will win an IS-SR. For each of the three parts of this competition they submit, they will also win an IS-BR (max 3).

In addition the winner’s banner, motto and fiction will be added to the official wiki page of Epsi-Cola.

2. Second Place Winner – IS-BR x1, Up to: IS-CR x3
The second place winner will be the pilot with the second highest total score. They will win an IS-BR. For each of the three parts of this competition they submit, they will also win an IS-CR (max 3).

3. Third Place Winner: IS-CR
The third place winner will be the pilot with the third highest total score They win a IS-CR.

4. Pilot Participation; 1 ORA
Any pilot who submits for more than one theme (.e.g at least two of the three from Motto, Banner or Fiction) will receive an ORA.

Points Example:

Pilot ‘Rookie’ submits a motto, banner and fiction of 1227 words. His total for this competition would therefore be 17 points (2 for the motto, 5 for the banner and 10 for 2 x 500 words, rounded down).

Any points draws will be decided by the quality and detail of received submissions.

Competition awards:

First Place Winner – IS-SR x1, Up to: IS-BR x 3

Second Place Winner – IS-BR x1, Up to: IS-CR x3

*Third Place Winner: IS-CR

Pilots who take part in more than one theme; 1 ORA

See competition details for more information.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR LCM Gian Webb For taking FIRST PLACE in the Epsilon Squadron Competition "Epsi-Cola: Taste the Ion Crackle!" it gives me great pleasure to recommend LT Gian Webb for a IS-SR. In addition LT Webb, your winning submissions will feature on the official Epsi-Cola Enclopaedia Imperia Wiki page! Great work, pilot! 2023-09-07
IS-BR LCM Gian Webb For submitting TWO winning entries (Motto & Fiction) in the Epsilon Squadron Competition "Epsi-Cola: Taste the Ion Crackle!" it gives me great pleasure to recommend LT Gian Webb for two IS-BR's . In addition LT Webb, your winning submissions will feature on the official Epsi-Cola Enclopaedia Imperia Wiki page! Great work, pilot! 2023-09-07
ORA LCM Gian Webb For submitting to the Epsilon Squadron Competition "Epsi-Cola: Taste the Ion Crackle!" more than one theme, it gives me great pleasure to recommend LT Gian Webb for a Operational Readiness Award for their dedication to this competition. Great work Pilot! 2023-09-07