Wondering Warriors Trivia

Competition ID #: 3539
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Westric Davalorn
Competition dates: 2023-04-01 - 2023-10-01
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Battlegroup II

Five trivia questions will be sent out each week using the Timed Test feature on the site. Correct answers earn points and the quickest response times (time taken between starting and submitting test) get more points!


  • Max points per week: 15pts
  • Correct answer: 1pt per question
  • Correct answer with quickest time: +2pts per question
  • Correct answer with second quickest time: +1pt per question
Competition awards:
  • Whoever has the most points at the end of the week wins an IS-BR.
  • Every month, the highest scoring pilot wins an IS-SR, with the second place pilot earning an IS-BR, and third place an IS-CR.
  • At season's end, first place earns an IS-GR, second place an IS-SR, third an IS-BR and fourth place an IS-CR.
  • ORA awarded for every 25 questions answered.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place overall for the entire season of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Gold Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For getting second place overall for the entire season of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-SR CPT Isabis Kamaria For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of September, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-SR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of August, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-09-05
IS-SR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of July, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-07-29
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of June, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-07-04
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of May, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-06-06
IS-SR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of April, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2023-04-29
IS-BR CPT Isabis Kamaria For getting third place overall for the entire season of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-BR COL Aardvark For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of September, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-BR MAJ Kazraran For getting first place in Week 26 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Kazraran be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-BR CPT Isabis Kamaria For getting first place in Week 25 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-09-26
IS-BR COL Aardvark For getting first place in Week 24 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-09-18
IS-BR CPT Isabis Kamaria For getting first place in Week 23 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-09-11
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of August, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-09-05
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 22 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-09-05
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 21 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-08-27
IS-BR MAJ Coremy Jertese For getting first place in Week 19 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Coremy Jertese be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-08-19
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 20 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-08-19
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 18 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-08-05
IS-BR MAJ Coremy Jertese For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of July, I recommend MAJ Coremy Jertese be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-29
IS-BR LC Alexandre Morgan For getting first place in Week 17 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-29
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 16 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-24
IS-BR LC SkyShadow For getting first place in Week 15 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC SkyShadow be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-15
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 14 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-10
IS-BR LC andr3 For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of June, I recommend LC andr3 be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-04
IS-BR MAJ Coremy Jertese For getting first place in Week 13 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Coremy Jertese be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-07-04
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 12 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-24
IS-BR LC SkyShadow For getting first place in Week 10 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC SkyShadow be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-18
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 11 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-18
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of May, I recommend LT Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-06
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 9 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-06
IS-BR MAJ Maston Dane For getting first place in Week 8 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LT Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-06-01
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 7 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-05-21
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 6 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-05-21
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 5 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-05-08
IS-BR LC Alexandre Morgan For getting second place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of April, I recommend MAJ Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-04-29
IS-BR MAJ Wreckage For getting first place in Week 4 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Wreckage be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-04-29
IS-BR LC Alexandre Morgan For getting first place in Week 3 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend CPT Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-04-23
IS-BR VA Robert Hogan For getting first place in Week 2 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-04-16
IS-BR LT Erebus Nuruodo For getting first place in Week 1 of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LT Erebus Nuruodo be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2023-04-11
IS-CR COL Aardvark For getting fourth place overall for the entire season of Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-CR VA Robert Hogan For getting third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of September, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-10-03
IS-CR COL Aardvark For getting third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of August, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-09-05
IS-CR CPT Isabis Kamaria For getting third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of July, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-07-29
IS-CR LC SkyShadow For tying for third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of June, I recommend LC SkyShadow be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-07-04
IS-CR LC Alexandre Morgan For tying for third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of June, I recommend MAJ Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-07-04
IS-CR COL Aardvark For getting third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of May, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-06-06
IS-CR MAJ Maston Dane For getting third place in Wondering Warriors Trivia for the month of April, I recommend LT Maston Dane be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2023-04-29
ORA VA Robert Hogan For answering 100 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-10-03
ORA LC SkyShadow For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC SkyShadow be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-10-03
ORA MAJ Maston Dane For being the only pilot to answer 125 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-09-26
ORA CPT Isabis Kamaria For answering 100 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-09-26
ORA MAJ Coremy Jertese For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Coremy Jertese be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-09-18
ORA CPT Isabis Kamaria For answering 75 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-08-19
ORA MAJ Maston Dane For answering 100 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-08-19
ORA COL Aardvark For answering 75 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-08-19
ORA VA Robert Hogan For answering 75 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-08-19
ORA LC Alexandre Morgan For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-29
ORA LC andr3 For answering 75 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC andr3 be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-29
ORA MAJ Coremy Jertese For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Coremy Jertese be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-24
ORA MAJ Maston Dane For answering 75 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Maston Dane be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-15
ORA CPT Isabis Kamaria For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-15
ORA COL Aardvark For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-07-15
ORA LC andr3 For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC andr3 be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-06-24
ORA VA Robert Hogan For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-06-18
ORA MAJ Maston Dane For answering 50 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LT Maston Dane be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-06-18
ORA CPT Isabis Kamaria For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LT Isabis Kamaria be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-06-06
ORA COL Aardvark For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Aardvark be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-06-01
ORA LCM Nate Towback For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LCM Nate Towback be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-21
ORA LC Vapen Van’an For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LC Vapen Van’an be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-21
ORA RA fr0Zen For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL fr0Zen be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-21
ORA LC Alexandre Morgan For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ Alexandre Morgan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-21
ORA LC andr3 For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend MAJ andr3 be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-08
ORA MAJ Maston Dane For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend LT Maston Dane be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-08
ORA VA Robert Hogan For answering 25 trivia questions for Wondering Warriors Trivia, I recommend COL Robert Hogan be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2023-05-08