Rholl Call

Competition ID #: 3445
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Westric Davalorn
Competition dates: 2022-09-01 - 2022-09-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Rho Squadron

Due to the recent influx of new recruits in the past few months, coupled with the large fleet-wide wargames of Imperial Storm IV and Squadron (Re)Mobilization IV, General Frown has noticed a backlog in the processing of personnel records for many of Rho Squadron’s pilots. All Rho Squadron pilots are urged to review their personnel records to ensure their INPR, uniform, and personal craft are accurate and current.

To qualify, INPRs and uniforms must be updated during the competition timeframe. Minor updates to existing INPRs will be accepted. All submissions will be reviewed by the Squadron Commander and judged based on several factors, including uniqueness, creativity, and quality. The top three pilots will receive Iron Stars as described above. All pilots that submit a fully completed INPR with an updated uniform and a customized personal craft will receive an Operational Readiness Award.

NOTE: Keep in mind that in the Emperor's Hammer timeline, the current year is 30 ABY (30 years after the Battle of Yavin). If your pilot is 20 years old, they would be born 10 ABY. If your pilot is 45 years old, they would be born 15 BBY (15 years before the Battle of Yavin).

Competition awards:
  • 1st Place: IS-SR
  • 2nd Place: IS-BR
  • 3rd Place: IS-CR
  • All pilots that submit an INPR with every section completed, a uniform, and customized personal craft: ORA

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR RA fr0Zen For submitting the winning entry in the Rholl Call competition, I proudly recommend LC fr0Zen be awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. 2022-10-03
IS-BR CPT Tiran Marr For submitting the second place entry in the Rholl Call competition, I proudly recommend LCM Tiran Marr be awarded the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon. 2022-10-03
IS-CR LC Alexandre Morgan For submitting the third place entry in the Rholl Call competition, I proudly recommend CPT Alexandre “ossusplayz” Morgan be awarded the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon. 2022-10-03
ORA LT Augustus Kohark For submitting a completed INPR, uniform, and customized personal craft for the Rholl Call competition, I proudly recommend LT Augustus Kohark be awarded the Operational Readiness Award. 2022-10-03