2022 Crossword Challenge - Season 2

Competition ID #: 3386
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Solohan50
Competition dates: 2022-05-01 - 2022-08-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Alright pilots, strap into your fighters and drink your Bantha milk, it’s time to show off your knowledge with a crossword puzzle. Every month a new crossword puzzle will be created with a specific theme and will be posted a Timed Test. Winners will be determined by the person who completes the crossword in the quickest time and will receive annual points as noted above.

Competition awards:

Monthly 1st: IS-GR and +5 points to season total
2nd: IS-SR and +4 point to season total
3rd: IS-SR and +3 points to season total
4th, 5th, and 6th: IS-BR and +2 points to season total
All other entries: +1 point to season total

Season 1st: IS-PR
Season 2nd and 3rd: IS-GR
Season 4th and 5th: IS-SR
Season 6th-8th: IS-BR

Participation: IS-CR every two completed Crossword Challenges in this season

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PR MAJ KEBLAOMEGA In first place and earning an IS-PR is LCM KEBLAOMEGA for showing that he is the true Crossword Champion of the TC 2022-05-14
IS-GR COL TheBlackxRanger 2nd Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-GR FA Pickled Yoda 3rd Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-GR FA Pickled Yoda 1st place IS-GR and 5 leaderboard points - Pickled Yoda showing he's the true master of the TCPM with an impressive 176 second submission time. That's less than 3 minutes for any of you Ewoks who can't count! 2022-05-09
IS-SR COL Gytheran For achieving 2nd place in January's Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-29
IS-SR LC Alexandre Morgan 4th Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-SR GN Aardvark 5th Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-SR COL Miles Prower 2nd place IS-SR and 4 leaderboard points- FA Miles Prower coming out of nowhere with a steel chair (and a submission time of 241 seconds). 2022-05-09
IS-SR CPT TI-40026 3rd place IS-SR and 3 leaderboard points- CPT Travis "TI-40026" Cook another pilot appearing from nowhere to nab a top spot with a submission time of 268 seconds 2022-05-09
IS-BR CM ElleOhh 7th Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-BR CM Aaron Cremel 8th Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-BR COL Gytheran 6th Place in the Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-BR LC Alexandre Morgan 6th place in Aprils Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09
IS-BR MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 4th place in Aprils Crossword Challenge! 2022-05-09