Imperial Storm 4

Competition ID #: 3381
Status: Finished
Submitted by: AD Phoenix Berkana
Competition dates: 2022-04-08 - 2022-05-08
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Imperial Storm is a turn based war-game that pits all three battlegroups against the others over a map of the planetary systems that we are currently near.

The teams will do battle against each other for control of the map, earning points for holding systems and attempting to deprive the enemy of their own.

Battles are fought using a scoring system that takes into account how many Legions (LoC/LoS) are earned during the combat window, alongside the average scores of a teams top 4 SP pilot playing a selected FREE mission. In addition we also have a TC vs. TC PvP round.

Full rules can be found here:

The winning team at the end of the 30 turn game will see all participating pilots earn a TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award (MUA).

The top 6 scorers in each of the 3 streams (top LoC count, top LoS count, top HS% SP count) will earn Iron Stars as below:

1st: IS-GW
2nd: IS-SW
3rd: IS-SW
4th: IS-BW
5th: IS-BW
6th: IS-BW

An IS-CW will be awarded to each pilot that earns at least 100 Legions of Combat over the course of the competition during battles their fleet is involved in

An IS-CW will be awarded to each pilot that earns at least 100 Legions of Skirmish over the course of the competition during battles their fleet is involved in. Because LoSs from Star Conflict take so much less time to earn than LoSs from other games, Star Conflict LoSs will be counted towards this bonus at a 1/4th rate (e.g., 400 SC LoSs to complete this goal).

An IS-CW will also be awarded each pilot that completes all or all but one of the SP missions assigned to their fleet in battles over the course of the competition

Finally, an IS-CW will be awarded to each pilot that competes in TC vs. TC PvP matches during at least 2 battles their fleet is involved in

Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
MUA LCM Brent Hebris For participating in the strategy sessions for the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA MAJ Wreckage For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CM WhatsUpDock For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA COL Westric Davalorn For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Varnin Goldsbane For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA MAJ Sparky For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LC Vapen Van’an For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CPT Tiran Marr For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT TheFlyingMJ For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Speeedoflight For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LC SkyShadow For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Sitka For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CPT Shang Khan For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA VA Robert Hogan For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LC randyrumrnr For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CM Kane Polybius For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA MAJ Kazraran For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA COL Marenta Jean For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA GN Mark Schueler For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Nerdle Eyeff For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA HA Pete Mitchell For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Purpletiger_z For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CPT Rachel Drakon For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA RA fr0Zen For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA GN Earnim Branet For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LCM Ivan Hordiyanko For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CM ERiSi For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA GN Exar Kit For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CPT FamePlane For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA GN Dunta Polo For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Crono Zeal Mawell For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA CM Cray Xerious For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT beach89 For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LC Alexandre Morgan For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Alistair ''Vargas'' Vianna For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT Ason Tsang For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA COL Aardvark For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
MUA LT AnArKey223 For participating on the winning team (ISDII Warrior) during Imperial Storm IV in 2022 I am pleased to recommend the immediate award of the TIE Corps Meritorious Unit Award. Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-GW HA Anahorn Dempsey For placing first in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Gold Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-GW MAJ Kalve Ryder For placing first in the Legions of Skirmish category with 550 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Gold Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-GW CPT Xylo Pethtel For placing first in the Legions of Combat category with 105 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Gold Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For placing third in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW COL Phalk Sturm For placing second in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks For placing second in the Legions of Combat category with 100 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW CPT TI-40026 For placing third in the Legions of Skirmish category with 402 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana For placing second in the Legions of Skirmish category with 528 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-SW CM WhatsUpDock For placing third in the Legions of Combat category with 98 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Silver Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW LC Solohan50 For placing fourth in the Legions of Skirmish category with 341 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW MAJ Jaxx Nassin For placing fifth in the Legions of Skirmish category with 227 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW LC SkyShadow For placing sixth in the Legions of Skirmish category with 206 LoS during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW COL Aardvark For placing fourth in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW RA Genie For placing fifth in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW COL NiksaVel For placing sixth in the Single Player Average High Score category during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW CPT Elwood “]MERLIN[” Wells For placing joint-sixth in the Legions of Combat category with 40 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW INQ Taurus For placing joint-sixth in the Legions of Combat category with 40 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW RA Genie For placing fifth in the Legions of Combat category with 48 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan For placing fourth in the Legions of Combat category with 58 LoC during Imperial Storm IV I am pleased to recommend the awarding of an Iron Star with Bronze Wings! Well done! 2022-05-22