TIE Fighter Total Conversion - Reimagined

Competition ID #: 3377
Status: Finished
Submitted by: FA Pickled Yoda
Competition dates: 2022-03-20 - 2022-06-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Emperor's Hammer

Fly the TIE Fighter Total Conversion - Reimagined campaign

Medals will be awarded in the following categories:

  • high scores
  • fastest times
  • writing
  • graphics

The current version of TFTC is v1.2, which includes some training missions and then the first 8 battles in TIE Fighter. This makes a total of nine battles.

You can follow installation instructions from https://wiki.emperorshammer.org/TFTC_Quick_Installation

High Scores

For each battle, 10 points are awarded for the highest score, 9 points for 2nd, 8 for 3rd... down to a minimum of 2 for 9th and below. The combined total for all nine battles decides the medals.

Fastest Times

XWA records the completion time per mission in the pilot file, allowing for a speed comp.
For each battle, 10 points are awarded for the lowest time, 9 points for 2nd, 8 for 3rd... down to a minimum of 2 for 9th and below. The combined total for all nine battles decides the medals.


I am looking for written content of various kinds:

  • reviews of each battle
  • overall impressions of TFTC
  • reviews/discussion of the ships - primarily the ones that are not in vanilla XWA. Bonus points for technical content that could go in the wiki and be useful for future mission creators for the platform.
  • ideas for custom missions, particularly ones that make good use of the new content or enhancements

Scoring will be arbitrary at the discretion of the TAC.


Any graphical content related to TFTC - particularly things like

  • screenshots that showcase the enhanced graphics
  • comparisons between XWA and TFTC or TIE and TFTC
  • screenshots or compositions that focus on the new ships

Scoring will be arbitrary at the discretion of the TAC.

Final Notes

All pilot file, writing and graphics submissions should be emailed to the TAC - pickledyoda at gmail.com. Please include your name and 'TFTC' in the subject line.

I highly encourage submitting your pilot file regularly. I am looking for a wide variety of examples to inspect for the purposes of writing BSF code.

There will be a bonus for the first person to submit a complete file.

Competition awards:

Iron Stars (GW SW SW BW BW BW) to the top 6, with CW for completing at least to the end of TIE Battle 4 (Conflict at Mylok IV)

Equivalent awards in ribbons for writing and graphics.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IAR CPT Wildfire For his services to the Tactical Office during the development of the TFTC feature branch. Wildfire submitted progressive pilot files to provide test data for pilot file parsing, helped beta test on the dev site and suggested several excellent new feature ideas. 2022-07-05
IS-GW CPT Wildfire 1st place in the TFTC-R Speed comp. 2022-07-05
IS-GW RA Colo Delste 1st place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SW LC andr3 3rd place in the TFTC-R Speed comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 2nd place in the TFTC-R Speed comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SW LC andr3 2nd place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SW CM Milo Antu 3rd place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BW RA Colo Delste 4th place in the TFTC-R Speed comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BW CM Milo Antu 5th place in the TFTC-R Speed comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BW COL NiksaVel 6th place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 5th place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BW HA Turtle Jerrar 4th place in the TFTC-R High Score comp. 2022-07-05
IS-GR COL Westric Davalorn 1st place in the TFTC-R Graphics comp. 2022-07-05
IS-GR RA Colo Delste 1st place in the TFTC-R Writing comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SR CPT Wildfire 2nd place in the TFTC-R Graphics comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SR RA Colo Delste 3rd place in the TFTC-R Graphics comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SR CPT Wildfire 2nd place in the TFTC-R Writing comp. 2022-07-05
IS-SR LC andr3 3rd place in the TFTC-R Writing comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BR MAJ KEBLAOMEGA 5th place in the TFTC-R Writing comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BR COL TheBlackxRanger 4th place in the TFTC-R Graphics comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BR AD Phoenix Berkana 5th place in the TFTC-R Graphics comp. 2022-07-05
IS-BR COL NiksaVel 4th place in the TFTC-R Writing comp. 2022-07-05