Unicorn Hunt

Competition ID #: 3370
Status: Denied
Submitted by: CPT Xylo Pethtel
Competition dates: 2022-02-09 - 2022-02-28
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Tie Corps
Description: In the vein of Legion's Time Trials, it's time to hone your eyes as much as your triggers, hunting those who cannot fire back...

Recently reports have been filing in about an elusive pilot known only as the 'Unicorn' This Unicorn has evaded patrols and search parties for months now, and poses a serious threat to the security of Tie Corps operations. We've finally managed to track them to a Listening post of ours outside of a hidden Asteroid belt. Pilots, you are being sortied to finally find and destroy this menace, but be quick about it, you cannot allow them to broadcast the location of this facility...


In a Star Wars Squadrons custom match on Esseles, participants will be tasked with finding and killing Xylo Pethtel within the allotted 10 minutes. Any ship and any auxiliary may be used to accomplish this, however, the Targeting wheel must be set to something other than 'All Enemies' or 'Enemy Squadron'. This means participants cannot track the 'Unicorn' with anything other than their eyes. Find him and kill him within the time limit and the mission will be successfully completed. 2 Attempts are allotted per pilot per day due to time restraints. Best of luck Pilots!
Competition awards: IS-SW for fastest time
IS-BW for Runner up
IS-CW to anyone who completes the objective

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.