PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022

Competition ID #: 3359
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2023-01-01 - 2023-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps
Description: Every Legion of Combat earned gives the pilot a point on the Multiplayer Kill Board and every Distinguished Flying Cross earned gives the pilot eighteen points. The top six pilots at the end of the month earn medals. Yearly, the top ten pilots earn medals.
Competition awards: IS-GW/SW/SW/BW/BW/BW for top six monthly, at the end of the year the top ten pilots receive an IS-PW/GW/GW/SW/SW/SW/BW/BW/BW/BW. The top pilot at the end of the year also receives the title of PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PW COL TheBlackxRanger Top pilot on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 2043 victories and recipient of the PvP Ace of the TIE Corps 2022 title! 2023-01-17
IS-GW MAJ Maximus Meridius Second place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 1054 victories 2023-01-17
IS-GW CM TecGenie Third place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 1045 victories 2023-01-17
IS-GW CM TecGenie Top pilot on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 373 victories 2023-01-14
IS-GW CM TecGenie Top pilot on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 306 victories 2022-12-10
IS-GW VA Robert Hogan Top pilot on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 438 victories 2022-11-18
IS-GW COL TheBlackxRanger Top pilot on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 231 victories 2022-10-10
IS-GW COL TheBlackxRanger Top pilot on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 232 victories 2022-09-10
IS-GW COL TheBlackxRanger Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 250 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-GW COL TheBlackxRanger Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 363 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-GW CM WhatsUpDock Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 203 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-GW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 109 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-GW LCM Ivan Hordiyanko Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 102 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-GW LCM Ivan Hordiyanko Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 100 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-GW COL Gytheran Top pilot on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 113 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Fourth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 856 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW RA fr0Zen Sixth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 697 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW VA Robert Hogan Fifth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 828 victories 2023-01-17
IS-SW MAJ Maximus Meridius Second place on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 287 victories 2023-01-14
IS-SW CPT Blaster72 Third place on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 267 victories 2023-01-14
IS-SW MAJ Maximus Meridius Third place on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 217 victories 2022-12-10
IS-SW COL TheBlackxRanger Second place on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 225 victories 2022-12-10
IS-SW COL TheBlackxRanger Third place on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 292 victories 2022-11-18
IS-SW CM TecGenie Second place on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 366 victories 2022-11-18
IS-SW MAJ Maximus Meridius Second place on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 200 victories 2022-10-10
IS-SW RA Colo Delste Third place on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 81 victories 2022-10-10
IS-SW LCM Cooker Third place on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 85 victories 2022-09-10
IS-SW MAJ Maximus Meridius Second place on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 92 victories 2022-09-10
IS-SW LCM Cooker Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 118 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-SW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 110 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-SW MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 168 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 105 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-SW COL TheBlackxRanger Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 92 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 88 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-SW CPT Xylo Pethtel Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 61 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-SW RA fr0Zen Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 69 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 63 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-SW CPT FamePlane Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 73 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 52 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-SW COL TheBlackxRanger Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 58 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-SW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA Third place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 72 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07
IS-SW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Second place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 81 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07
IS-BW RA Genie Seventh place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 564 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA Ninth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 415 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW CPT Blaster72 Tenth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 410 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW COL Gytheran Eighth place on the PvP Killboard for 2022 with 514 victories 2023-01-17
IS-BW CM Dathka Graush Fifth place on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 86 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Fourth place on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 119 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW CM Delta Striker 4 Sixth place on the PvP Killboard for December 2022 with 52 victories 2023-01-14
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Sixth place on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 49 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW CPT Syntroth Fifth place on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 70 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW CPT Blaster72 Fourth place on the PvP Killboard for November 2022 with 122 victories 2022-12-10
IS-BW RA Genie Sixth place on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 206 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW COL Gytheran Fifth place on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 242 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW MAJ Maximus Meridius Fourth place on the PvP Killboard for October 2022 with 258 victories 2022-11-18
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Sixth place on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 44 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Fifth place on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 60 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW CPT Syntroth Fourth place on the PvP Killboard for September 2022 with 63 victories 2022-10-10
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Sixth place on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 37 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Fifth place on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 82 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Fourth place on the Multiplayer PvP Killboard for August 2022 with 84 victories 2022-09-10
IS-BW MAJ DemWookieeCheeks Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 73 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 90 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for July 2022 with 79 Legions of Combat 2022-08-10
IS-BW RA Genie Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 82 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-BW LCM Hollow Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 72 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for June 2022 with 69 Legions of Combat 2022-07-07
IS-BW LCM Hollow Tied for fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 62 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Tied for fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 62 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-BW CPT Xylo Pethtel Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for May 2022 with 64 Legions of Combat 2022-06-08
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Tied for fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 60 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-BW CPT FamePlane Tied for fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 60 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-BW VA Robert Hogan Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for April 2022 with 56 Legions of Combat 2022-05-15
IS-BW MAJ Morgoth Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 57 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 58 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-BW RA fr0Zen Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for March 2022 with 60 Legions of Combat 2022-04-11
IS-BW INQ Taurus Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 45 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-BW MAJ KEBLAOMEGA Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 47 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-BW CPT Syntroth Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for February 2022 with 48 Legions of Combat 2022-03-07
IS-BW MAJ SirCaleb Sixth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 53 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07
IS-BW MAJ Morgoth Fifth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 58 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07
IS-BW COL TheBlackxRanger Fourth place on the Multiplayer Kill Board for January 2022 with 63 Legions of Combat 2022-02-07