Raise the Flag Bonus Competition #6: SP

Competition ID #: 3166
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2020-09-20 - 2020-09-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
This is the last bonus comp for RtF 2020! This one's for Single Player in TIE Fighter, X-Wing versus TIE Fighter, and X-Wing Alliance. Unlike in previous years, this one'll be a solo endeavor.

The four pilots who achieve the highest four competition point totals will earn themselves and their ships 200, 150, 100 and 50 points respectively. Every participant will earn their squadrons and ships 5 points per platform.

The competition ends at 23:59:59 GMT on Wednesday, September 30th.

Each pilot will receive 1 to 100 competition points per battle based on their score compared to the highest score for that battle posted during the competition as opposed to the high score listed in the database. For example, if a participant's score for the TIE battle is 83% of the highest score for that battle, they'll receive 83 competition points. That 83 plus their competition points from XvT and XWA will be their competition point total. TIE scores use the usual laserless calculation to pull laser hits out of the total.

Medals to be awarded: IS-GW for the highest competition point total, IS-SW for second place and IS-BW for third. IS-SW for the top scorer for each battle, IS-BW for second places. An additional IS-BW for every pilot who completes all three battles.

Assigned battles:If you've already flown one of those battles earlier this month, please fly it again in order to participate in the SP Bonus Comp. Note that you won't earn the general activity points again, but you can still beat the high score and earn RtF points for that.

Submissions should be made through the normal BSF process in the database. If your pilot file gets queued for review closer to the end of the competition, please email your pilot file to tccom@emperorshammer.org.
Competition awards:

IS-GW/SW/BW overall, IS-SW/BW for each battle

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GW LC Rando By posting the highest score for all three battles in RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp, LC Rando was naturally the top pilot in the overall standings. Well done! 2020-10-05
IS-SW LCM Marek Ny`Irfa Second place in the overall standings for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-SW LC Rando LC Rando set the standard for all three battles in RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp, posting the highest score in TIE-TC 138, XvT-TC 61, and XWA-TC 36. Excellent work! 2020-10-05
IS-SW LC Rando LC Rando set the standard for all three battles in RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp, posting the highest score in TIE-TC 138, XvT-TC 61, and XWA-TC 36. Excellent work! 2020-10-05
IS-SW LC Rando LC Rando set the standard for all three battles in RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp, posting the highest score in TIE-TC 138, XvT-TC 61, and XWA-TC 36. Excellent work! 2020-10-05
IS-BW HA Plif Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp. 2020-10-05
IS-BW AD Hav Antiel Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW CM Epicedion Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW MAJ Hermann Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW LC randyrumrnr Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW GN Elwood the Brave Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW CPT SL8c8 Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda Posted the second highest total for XWA-TC 36 during RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW LCM Marek Ny`Irfa Posted the second highest total for XvT-TC 61 during RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda Third place in the overall standings for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW LC Rando Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW LCM Marek Ny`Irfa Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW RA Genie Completed all three battles for RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05
IS-BW COL Phalk Sturm Posted the second highest total for TIE-TC 138 during RtF 2020's SP Bonus Comp 2020-10-05