Warden's Weekly Fiction #1

Competition ID #: 3127
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CPT Drake Starfire
Competition dates: 2020-06-12 - 2020-06-18
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
Description: Within 2,500 words, write a story based on the prompt. Grading will be based on accuracy(prompt and spelling), quality, and length. Submissions will be emailed to Warden for grading and submitting.
Prompt: With spare time for some of the TIE Corps Pilots, and the uncovering of Warrior and Hammer Grav-Ball gear, they get the idea to host a ship vs ship game. Write your version of the events and be sure to include: description of both teams uniforms, incorporating most of the players, at least naming them all (game is 5v5 or 7v7 'American Football', your choice,) and of course the game followed by an outstanding act of sportsmanship.
Competition awards:

IS-SR for first, IS-BR for second and third. Every 4th Ribbon gets upgraded for repeated placement, SR-SR-SR-GR, and BR-BR-BR-SR respectively.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.