COO's Star Wars Challenge, Episode VI

Competition ID #: 3084
Status: Finished
Submitted by: FA John T. Clark
Competition dates: 2020-01-01 - 2020-12-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: entire TC
Description: The COO's Star Wars Challenge is a competition designed to promote and reward the playing of MP matches based on a Star Wars platform.

How to Enter:

Simply submit your MP Screenshot report as normal, and the COO and COOA will track the number of matches played on any Star Wars platform, such as XvT, XWA, BF3, and all other approved MP platforms.

Both PvP and PvE matches count towards a pilot's total.

The player with the highest overall Star Wars based MP victories will win each month. For the end of the year the monthly scores will be accumulated.

Normal screenshot submission requirements apply.

Screenshots that are submitted that were not taken in a given month, or very close to the start of it, will not count towards that month's total, but will count for the yearly total.
Competition awards:

IS-PW/GW/SW for the year, IS-GW/SW/BW monthly for the top 3 pilots

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PW RA Genie With a total of 798 battles, Captain Genie took the 2020 Star Wars Challenge and the Iron Star with Platinum Wings! 2021-01-29
IS-GW LC Taygetta With a total of 322 battles, Commander Bai'et Decol took 2nd place in the 2020 Star Wars Challenge and the Iron Star with Gold Wings! 2021-01-29
IS-GW RA Genie November 2020 - COO Star Wars Challenge: Winner 2020-12-16
IS-GW LC Taygetta 1st Place for October 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-11-06
IS-GW GN Silwar Naiilo For achieving the top of the leaderboard in the COO's Star Wars Challenge in September 2020, I hereby award Colonel Naiilo the IS-GW 2020-10-08
IS-GW AD Hav Antiel 1st place for COO Star Wars Challenge - August 2020! 2020-09-01
IS-GW RA Genie 1st Place COO Star Wars Challenge June 2020 2020-08-01
IS-GW RA Genie 1st place for July 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-08-01
IS-GW SL Alejandro Araujo For winning the COO's Star Wars Challenge for April 2020. 2020-05-10
IS-GW HA Plif Winner of COO's Star Wars Challenge - Episode VI for March. 2020-04-07
IS-GW GN Elwood the Brave Winner of the COO's Star Wars Challenge, Episode VI for January 2020. 2020-02-02
IS-SW AD Hav Antiel With a total of 99 battles, General Antiel took 3rd place in the 2020 Star Wars Challenge and the Iron Star with Silver Wings! 2021-01-29
IS-SW COL EvilGrin November 2020 - COO Star Wars Challenge: 2nd Place 2020-12-16
IS-SW COL EvilGrin 2nd Place for October 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-11-06
IS-SW MAJ Xye For achieving a tie for 2nd in the COO's Star Wars Challenge in September 2020 I hereby endorse Lieutenant Xye for the IS-SW 2020-10-08
IS-SW COL EvilGrin For achieving a tie for 2nd in the COO's Star Wars Challenge in September 2020 I hereby endorse Commander EvilGrin for the IS-SW 2020-10-08
IS-SW LC Rando 2nd Place COO Star Wars Challenge June 2020 2020-08-01
IS-SW LC Rando 2nd place for July 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-08-01
IS-SW HA Plif For being the runner-up in the COO's Star Wars Challenge for April 2020. 2020-05-09
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Runner-up in COO's Star Wars Challenge - Episode VI for March. 2020-04-07
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave Winner of the COO'S Star Wars Challenge - Episode VI for February 2020. 2020-03-05
IS-SW HA Pete Mitchell Runner-up in the COO's Star Wars Challenge, Episode VI for January 2020. 2020-02-02
IS-BW LC Taygetta November 2020 - COO Star Wars Challenge: 3rd Place 2020-12-20
IS-BW RA Genie 3rd Place for October 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-11-06
IS-BW COL EvilGrin 3rd place for COO Star Wars Challenge - August 2020! 2020-09-01
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda 3rd Place COO Star Wars Challenge June 2020 2020-08-01
IS-BW COL EvilGrin 3rd place for July 2020 COO Star Wars Challenge 2020-08-01
IS-BW RA Genie For placing third in the COO's Star Wars Challenge for April 2020. 2020-05-10
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Third place in the COO's Star Wars Challenge - Episode VI for March. 2020-04-07
IS-BW HA Pete Mitchell Secodn Place in the COO'S Star Wars Challenge - Episode VI for February 2020. 2020-03-05
IS-BW FA John T. Clark Third place in COO's Star Wars Challenge Episode VI for January 2020 2020-02-10