Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.
Award | Recipient | Reason | Date |
IS-GW | FA John T. Clark | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 1st place in Overall | 2019-09-21 |
IS-SW | GN Elwood the Brave | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 2nd place in Overall | 2019-09-21 |
IS-SW | GN Earnim Branet | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 1st place in PvP | 2019-09-21 |
IS-SW | FA John T. Clark | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 1st place in PvE | 2019-09-21 |
IS-SW | GN Earnim Branet | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 1st place in AI Draw with GN Polo | 2019-09-21 |
IS-SW | GN Dunta Polo | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 1st place in AI Draw with GN Branet | 2019-09-21 |
IS-BW | GN Earnim Branet | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 3rd place in Overall | 2019-09-21 |
IS-BW | GN Elwood the Brave | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 2nd place in PvP | 2019-09-21 |
IS-BW | GN Elwood the Brave | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 2nd place in PvE | 2019-09-21 |
IS-BW | GN Elwood the Brave | COO´s Monthly Assignment SC: Month of Assists 2nd place in AI | 2019-09-21 |