Raise the Flag 2018 – Multiplayer Bonus Competition

Competition ID #: 2997
Status: Finished
Submitted by: FA Pellaeon
Competition dates: 2018-06-15 - 2018-06-25
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: entire TC
Description: * Raise the Flag 2018 – Multiplayer Bonus Competition
Members are to engage on Multiplayer activity for the third bonus competition of Raise the Flag. From Friday, June 15th to Monday, June 25th, all PvP will be recorded as participation to this competition, despite if it’s a win or a loss. Therefore all screenshots for lost games have to be uploaded too. In addition all MP coop victories will also count for this competition. Every Multiplayer gaming platform used by the TIE Corps will be allowed: XvT, XWA, IA, FW, TOR-GS, SC, EABF1 and EABF2. For the bonus competition only, Multiplayer matches will have the following value:
- 2 points for GS, SC, EABF1, EABF2 and FW PvP victory
- 2 points for XvT and XWA coop/vs AI victory
- 1,5 points for SC coop/vs AI victory
- 3 points for XvT, XWA and IA PvP victories
- 1 point for a PvP loss on every platform.
The four squadrons who gathers most points in that system, all platforms added, will award themselves and their ships 200, 150, 100 and 50 points respectively. They will also be awarded LoCs and LoS as usual for victories, and possibly the DFC to the winner of each PvP platform, if warranted by COO guidelines, which apply in full force (at least 3 different opponents, EH or not, defeated and +3 win/lose ratio, plus the need of having a minimum of 3 EH players playing on that game platform). All points will also count for the global Raise the Flag Competition and for each pilot. Every participant will earn their squadrons and ships 5 points per platform (PvP and coop counting as one platform each for game platforms with both modes allowed). First place pilot will be awarded an IS-GW, with IS-SW and IS-BW for the second and third places. For each platform (PvP and coop counting as one platform each for game platforms with both modes allowed) first place pilots will be awarded an IS-SW and second places will receive an IS-BW (IS-BW for first if only 1 participant in that platform).
Competition awards:


Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GW HA Pete Mitchell 1st place in the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1445. 2018-06-30
IS-SW FA Pickled Yoda 1st place in the XvT PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 3. 2018-06-30
IS-SW FA Pickled Yoda 1st place in the XWA PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 3. 2018-06-30
IS-SW AD Impulse 1st place in the EA Battle Front II part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 115. 2018-06-30
IS-SW GN Elwood the Brave 2nd place in the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1027,5. 2018-06-30
IS-SW GN Earnim Branet 1st place in the Star Conflict PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 95. 2018-06-30
IS-SW HA Pete Mitchell 1st place in the Star Conflict PvE part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1440. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Mark Schueler 1st place in the XvT PvE part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1. Draw with GN Pickled Yoda. 2018-06-30
IS-BW FA Pickled Yoda 1st place in the XvT PvE part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1. Draw with COL Mark Schueler. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Mark Schueler 2nd place in the XvT PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Mark Schueler 2nd place in the XWA PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Elwood the Brave 1st place in the EA Battle Front I PvE part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 4. 2018-06-30
IS-BW HA Plif 1st place in the EA Battle Front I PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 2. Draw with GN Elwood the Brave. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Elwood the Brave 1st place in the EA Battle Front I PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 2. Draw with AD Plif. 2018-06-30
IS-BW FA John T. Clark 2nd place in the EA Battle Front II part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 15. 2018-06-30
IS-BW GN Elwood the Brave 2nd place in the Star Conflict PvE part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 1009,5. 2018-06-30
IS-BW MAJ Wondra 2nd place in the Star Conflict PvP part of the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 95. 2018-06-30
IS-BW HA Plif 3rd place in the Raise the Flag 2018 MP Bonus Competition with a overall score of 259. 2018-06-30
DFC AD Impulse For achieving the conditions for a DFC in EA Battle Front II during the Raise the Flag 2018 Multiplayer Bonus Competition. 2018-06-30
DFC HA Anahorn Dempsey For achieving the conditions for a DFC in Star Conflict during the Raise the Flag 2018 Multiplayer Bonus Competition. 2018-06-30