Pazaak Round Two

Competition ID #: 2705
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Plif
Competition dates: 2015-03-22 - 2015-04-22
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
Pull up a chair and play some Pazaak! Take a screenshot of each match you win. Points in the competition will be given as follows:
  • 3 points for a 3-0 win

  • 2 points for a 3-1 win

  • 1 point for a 3-2 win

To help break ties and encourage competitive play between TC pilots, we'll award a 0.1 bonus to the winner each time a match is played between two TC pilots. For example, a 3-1 win against another TC pilot would be worth 2.1 points.

At the end of the competition, send up to 20 screenshots to LC Plif at You can play more than 20 matches and report the best 20, but if you only have time for 20, then you'll still have a good shot at placing well in the competition.

Each player's points will be added up from the screenshots they submitted. Highest point total wins first place, second highest point total takes second place, and so on.

Information on the game and how to play it can be found on

The number of participants in the competition will determine the awards:

5+ participants: IS-GR for first place, IS-SR for second place, IS-BR for third place
3-4 participants: IS-SR for first place, IS-BR for second place
2 participants: IS-BR for first place
1 participant: A toast raised in your honor
Competition awards:

Iron Stars, number and level depending on participation (see description)

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SR HA Anahorn Dempsey HA Anahorn Dempsey submitted the maximum number of 3-0 wins (20) in Pazaak for the Pazaak Round Two competition. With 8 wins against TIE Corps members bringing her score to 60.8, that was more than enough to secure first place! 2015-04-28
IS-BR COL Hawkins CM Hawkins earned second place in the Pazaak Round Two competition after turning in a mix of two and three point wins, one of those against another TC pilot for a slight bonus. Nice job! 2015-04-28