TIE Corps Promotional Video Competition

Competition ID #: 2686
Status: Finished
Submitted by: HA Daniel Bonini
Competition dates: 2015-02-01 - 2015-03-01
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Entire TC
Description: The purpose of this competition is to allow all TIE Corps' members the opportunity to create a promotional video for the TC, that may be used as advertisement for the TC in some of LC Impulse's videos in his YouTube Channel, which have a viewership of over 100k in a month. For that end, the videos must have the length of up to 30 seconds, as do most advertisement campaign videos, and also must have the TIE Corps as the main focus, considering the intention of recruitment. LC Impulse will, along with the TCCOM, be in charge of video's assessment and grading. Since this is a technically difficult task, and in order to motivate more members to participate, an Iron Star with Platinum Ribbon is being offered, if the competition achieves 5 or more participants. Each member can submit as many videos as they want, keeping in mind that the videos will run for the prize independently from one another, and that each member will only be entitled to one award. Please note that the awards depend on the number of participants, and not on the number of videos submitted. Have fun, and make the TC proud!

WARNING: the use of copyright music is forbidden in this competition, as it would cause videos to get banned from Youtube. Videos using copyrighted material will not be disqualified from the competition, but will need to be fixed by the end of the competition in order to be eligible for awards. Note that you can see if the music is copyrighted or not by uploading it to youtube and checking to see if there is a copyright flag.
Competition awards: If competition reaches 5 or more participants: IS-PR/GR/SR/BR to top 4
If there are 3 participants: IS-GR/SR/BR to top 3
If there are 2 participants: IS-SR/BR to top 2
If there is only 1 participant: IS-BR
There will be an additional IS-BR to all members who have their creations used in LC Impulse's YouTube Channel.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.