Vanguard Top Dog 2006

Competition ID #: 1641
Status: Finished
Submitted by: Amano Ginji
Competition dates: 2006-08-01 - 2006-08-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: ISD Vanguard

ISD VANGUARD TOP DOG COMPETITION 08/01/05 - 08/31/05 VANGUARD TOP DOG COMPETITION 2006 AUGUST 1 – AUGUST 31 2006 BGCOM: Talons Pryde – COM: Mayk Wolverine – WC: Amano Ginji – The ISD Vanguard Flag's will be hosting the annual ship competition known as TopDog beginning on August 1 and continuing through August 31. It is designed much the same as the ASF's annual Supremecy Competition as it pits squadron against squadron and pilot against pilot. There will be 10 different events pilots may participate in and they will be listed below individually. Iron Stars will be awarded for the top two finishers in each category. The overall winning pilot and squadron will be able to add Vanguard Top Dog to their id line if they so choose for a period of one year. Now we will get into the events and rules for each event. If you have any questions please foward them to me prior to the start of the comp so everything can be worked out ahead of time. GENERAL RULES Pilots who come into the competition after it has begun will be allowed to submit for the comp but anything done prior to arrival on the Van will not be allowed for submission. Pilots transferring between squadrons will keep their individual scores intact. The pilots points for the squadron he is transferring from will only allowed to follow the pilot if he attains a higher position(ie. Cmdr, FL) making the transfer part of normal procedure. Flight members transferring to take over another. Flight member position will not take their squadron points with them, only their indivual points. All rules of engagement(AoW and CoC's) must be adhered to at all times during the competition. Cheating is never allowed and lets be sure to keep in mind that we are all shipmates and everyone should be treated with dignity and respect. Iron Stars will be awarded to the top two finishers of each category. There will be 10 categories to participate in. Comp Submissions will be as follows: Mission/battle submissions will proceed through normal channels since both the COM and WC get cc'd on everything. You will be notified who to send all the other submissions to under each event that will be listed here. I will attempt to keep the individual and squadron scores posted on the Vanguard message board. The subject of each submission should contain TopDog-Event-pin-battle#(if battle or blank if other) Events SINGLE PLAYER: All platforms will be used and you may submit as many battles/missions as you wish. The scoring for these submissions are as follows. 1 point will be awarded per mission flown. Therefore a 5 mission battle will be worth 5 points. All high scores acheived will be worth 10 points per mission high score. Example: If you fly a 5 mission battle and acheive 5 mission high scores for that battle, you have just accumulated 55 points. These submissions should be made to your cmdr and cmdr's bsf's should be sent to the WC as normal. MULTIPLAYER: Multiplayer will cover all mp matches played either via #ehcoc or the WoW's. The scoring for this event will be like this. 5 points per win, 3 points per loss just like the standard monthly competition. The top two point accumulators will win the IS's. All these submissions are handled by the COO so the COM will get a copy of the scores. In the event you get losses in the WoW you will need to email Wolvie and I with those losses as they do not get reported to us. Be sure to keep a good record of your mp stuff as there is still a lapse in some scoring and awards in this area. IWATS Any IWATS course taken and passed in the academy will be awarded 15 points per course passed. I would like to try something new this year, if you get a at least a 65 and still don’t pass, you get 3 points. But this only works once. So let’s say you failed PHP 3 times with a 65, you are only given three points once and you get 15 points when you pass. If you create a new course and submit it to the TO you will receive 50 points per course. COM and WC receive copies of all course completion scores so they will get those but if you create a new course, do shoot the COM and WC a copy and ill get your points awarded. RECRUITMENT All new recruits brought into the wing either from the reserves or fresh cadets from the academy, you will receive 50 points per recruit. If the pilot is a cadet then he should be putting your pin number in so you will also receive a MoI but that will also tell me you did recruit him. In the case you recruit a reservist, he/she will need to email the COM letting him know you recruited them back. In the case we are COM-less, the reservist will E-Mail the WC. FICTION This event is open for any manner of writing your wish to send in. Short stories, news articles, or even INPR's are welcome to be submitted. In this event however there is a cap on the number of submissions you can make. There may be 5 submissions per pilot and each submission can earn up to 30 points p

Competition awards:

IS SW, SR, BW, BR - as well as activity medals suc

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.