Uniform Design Competition

Competition ID #: 1397
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Rei Ayanami
Competition dates: 2005-10-01 - 2005-10-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

This is a simple competition to help spur people to create custom uniforms. Anything which is not a standard, Tempest Tailoring Tool generated uniform will be considered custom. As long as the uniform is not "stock" or does only have a different-colored background, it will be considered custom. I highly encourage people to try using Tempest Tailoring Tool and explore the world of custom uniforms. The uniforms will be graded on creativity. I am looking for original and unique uniforms. To be original, a custom unifom does not need to be complex. You could simply display text, such as your ID line in a unique manner. Since there are only a few flightsuits on uniform database, I am willing consider the use of flightsuit to allow for a greater weight in the "originality" of the uniform. There are two basic programs you will need when making custom uniforms. You will need the Tempest Tailoring Tool, which may be obtained here: http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~anho-in/TTT/TTT_13.zip. The duty and dress uniform patches may be obtained here: http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~anho-in/TTT/TTT_squads_56.zip. The flightsuit patches may be obtained here: http://www.stud.tu-ilmenau.de/~anho-in/TTT/TTT_squads_FS_39.zip. The second program you will need is Microsoft's Paint, or something equivalent to it. While you can create a custon uniform in Paint, it is highly reccomended that you use a more robust program such as Jasc/Corel Paint Shop Pro: http://www.corel.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=Corel3/Products/Display&pid=1047025487586 or Adobe Photoshop: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshop/overview.html. At the end of these instructions, you will find instructions for setting up Tempest's Tailoring Tool. The uniforms must be less 40.0kb in file size and no wider than 200 pixels. There is no restriction for the height of the uniform image. The uniforms must also be within regulations. The regulations may be found here: http://www.imperialacademy.org/tmanual/uniforms.html Should you have any questions about the regulations or the uniforms, e-mail me at ops@emperorshammer.org. Should you have questions about working with Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop, there are people throughout the TIE Corps who will be on standby to assist you. I may be contacted about Paint Shop Pro at ops@emperorshammer.org. Vice Admiral Brent Tainer (brenttainer@gmail.com), Captain Nakata (carolina@triad.rr.com), and Major Azurin Luna (e.m.schreutelkamp@wanadoo.nl) will be available to answer questions about Photoshop. If you are looking for ideas for how to present your uniform, you may look at the uniforms section of the EH Gallery: http://www.ehnet.org/gallery/?category=4 There are also various uniforms throughout the TIE Corps database to look at. Here are a few: GN Smitrock: http://www.ehTIE Corps.org/rosters/uniformpicture.asp?record=2354 VA Kamjin Lap'Lamiz "Maverick": http://www.ehTIE Corps.org/rosters/uniformpicture.asp?record=2758 CM Miackus: http://www.ehTIE Corps.org/rosters/uniformpicture.asp?record=4157 INSTRUCTIONS FOR TTT: Tempest Tailoring Tool simply needs to be extracted to a directory to run. If you wish to use the patches, you will need to extract the image file from the patches archive to the same directory which TTT resides in. The following information provided will allow you to use the [Import Profile] function available in TTT. 1.) Open the TTT_urls file in your TTT directory. 2.) Replace the second line so it reads "url = http://www.ehTIE Corps.org/rosters/personnel.asp?record=", without the quotation marks. 3.) Save and close the file 4.) End of.

Competition awards:

1st Place: Iron Star - Gold Ribbon 2nd Place: IS-S

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.