The Black Bantha Poodoo Invitational Non-Tournament (PINT!)

Combat Event ID# 174
Game Platform Star Wars Squadrons
Event Dates 2022-02-20 (23:00) - 2022-02-21 (03:00)
Description Every pilot is looking out for themselves in this lark tournament, where the rules are made up but the points matter! All are welcome, from OG launch day players right down to brand new, just-finished-the-campaign-now-what-do-I-do players!

Rules and scoring are super simple, and intended to encourage having fun. If you take this seriously, you're doing it wrong!


For scoring purposes, players must participate in at least 3 matches. There is no registration process - just show up!

Games will begin when a VC has 10 players, with at least one Administrator present.

All games will have a 10 minute time limit.

Factions and map will be completely randomized (with some exceptions as required for balancing purposes).

Game mode and modifiers will not be known until the match starts - not even by the administrator - and all players will remain in the same VC for funsies. Game modes will be assigned a number and a RNG will be used by the match admin to find out what mode you're playing.

Game modes include (but are not limited to):

'Lovetaps' Score Limit: 69 = 1 hit kill (max lasers, .5 hull & shields) No auxes, no guided weapons, no unstable engines
'Icemaker' Score Limit: 15 = ion weapons + auxes only, max collision, .5 hull (Galitan/Sissubo maps only)
'Tractor Games' Score Limit: 15 - support only, IM/Tractor + standard lasers

'Support only' = U-wing/Reaper only
'No Cap' = cap dmg penalty, PK/farm only (cap ship shields & hull set to .3, raider to 5.0)
'No-Kill Shelter' = PK penalty, OBJ/farm only


The top three EH pilots will earn an IS-GW, IS-SW, or IS-BW. All pilots who win at least one match will earn an IS-CW. Rewards will be expanded to IS-GW, 2x IS-SW, and 3x-IS-BW with at least 10 participants. The top pilot with at least a +3 win ratio will earn a DFC instead of an IS-GW.