COO's Saturday Star Wars Shootouts

Combat Event ID# 170
Game Platform Multi-platform
Main Contact COL Miles Prower
Event Dates 2021-12-04 (23:00) - 2022-06-05 (00:00)
Description The TIE Corps will be on high alert beginning at 6PM EST (11pm GMT) every Saturday, when we will scramble as many fighters as available. A member of the Combat Operations Office organize one or more groups. The game played will be determined by the pilots online, which could be multiple simultaneous games across groups of pilots.

One PvP game played, on a supported platform, with at least one other enlisted TIE Corps pilot as part of a Shootout group, will earn you one point. Ten games played will earn you an IS-CW, with a maximum of one earned per day. The numbers of matches played will be recorded by an available member of the COO team. (Wins are not required.)

Please note: if you are already signed up for an event such as SPL or 3PO, practice and scheduled matches take priority!