Weekly XWA Frag Competition #1

Combat Event ID# 112
Game Platform X-Wing Alliance
Main Contact HA Pete Mitchell
Event Dates 2017-08-20 (00:00) - 2017-08-20 (23:59)
Description This Combat Event is for the weekly meeting flying session on the platform XWA.

Players play 8 min matches by either agreeing who hosts, or hosting 4 min and 4 min and totalling the scores. They take their own screenshots and send them RA Pete Mitchell.
You choose matches in a round robin style where everyone plays everyone once, as long as there is time. Add up standings as you go, and if there is a TIE, we have a TIE breaking match to determine the winner.

Depending on attendance, a DFC will be handed out to the winner. COO guidelines required, which apply in full force (at least 3 different opponents, EH or not, defeated and +3 win/lose ratio, plus the need of having a minimum of 3 EH players playing on that game platform)

A IS-SW will be handed out if DFC requirements not met, (but still at least 3 pilots), IS-BW to 2nd place.

Craft choice, start distance, etc should be agreed on by both pilots in a match, but if they can’t be agreed on, they should be TIE interceptors, no missiles, no beam, no countermeasures, starting 3 km apart, in open space. Collisions should be on.

Match Results

Game Win vs. Lose Score
XWA LC Rando vs. AD Horus Blackheart 19 - 5
XWA LC Rando vs. AD Hav Antiel 9 - 0
XWA AD Horus Blackheart vs. AD Hav Antiel 3 - 1
XWA LC Rando vs. HA Pete Mitchell 10 - 8
XWA HA Pete Mitchell vs. GN Plif 11 - 10
XWA HA Pete Mitchell vs. External 16 - 8
XWA HA Pete Mitchell vs. AD Hav Antiel 17 - 1
XWA LC Rando vs. GN Plif 14 - 13
XWA GN Plif vs. AD Horus Blackheart 23 - 7
XWA GN Plif vs. AD Hav Antiel 24 - 10
XWA External vs. AD Horus Blackheart 5 - 3
XWA GN Plif vs. External 20 - 6
XWA External vs. AD Hav Antiel 10 - 1
XWA LC Rando vs. External 19 - 7
XWA HA Pete Mitchell vs. AD Horus Blackheart 20 - 2
XWA LC Rando vs. AD Hav Antiel 9 - 0