Life of R5-T3

Member fiction submitted by CM Jai Thorne on 2024-05-03.

Description/Remarks: A short story about an astromech named R5-T3.
Category: Uncategorized Fiction

Submitted for Competition: TIE Corps Exercise: Squadron (Re)Mobilization 6

This item is related to the following units:

Fresh off the assembly line and ready to set out for the Imperial Fleet, this astromech begins their journey to fulfill their purpose with maintenance and repairs to fighter craft. Gleaming with fresh paint and being equipped with state of the art repair tools, R5-T3 is due to board the Imperial-II Class Star Destroyer “Warrior” in a moment’s notice. As R5-T3 powered up for the first time, it began to scan its surroundings while taking in the sights and sounds of their new home. Performing a self diagnostics check to ensure all of its mechanics and tools work properly, it caught the attention of a nearby crewman by the name of Alejandro. The crewman waltzed over to the droid, looking it up and down while pondering to himself, “New, but not quite fitted for what they’ll have in store for ‘em.” He quickly ushered the droid over to his repair shop to perform some tweaks to the newly stationed R5 unit.

A couple days later the R5 unit was released from the shop with some new upgrades that allow for more precise detections that the naked eye wouldn’t pick up while performing repairs on the ships within the hangar. He had seen greater potential beyond its factory settings, hence the tweaks. With a few adjustments here and there, Alejandro tweaked R5-T3's systems, enhancing its combat capabilities without compromising its primary functions. The astromech's processors buzzed with newfound efficiency, their servos primed for action.The crewman knew his pilots well, knowing they only sought out perfection when conducting checks on their ships both pre-inspection and post missions.

Soon thereafter, R5-T3 found itself in the hangar bays, accompanying the pilots on their missions across various missions. R5’s duties had expanded beyond the routine maintenance, becoming an integral part of the ship’s repair droid, more specifically, to Theta Squadron. All while providing crucial hits on post mission reports on systems, pointing out and spotting discrepancies numerous times, earning the nickname “Spotter” from there on out. In light of all the countless battles, R5-T3 proved their worth time and again by quickly thinking precisely and scanning all parts of the crafts for any errors, double and even triple checking to ensure all systems are working properly.

Proving their worth, R5-T3 has flown in a few missions as well, assisting pilots with ship repairs in the heat of battle where possible, screeching out whether in excitement or the thrill, pilots seemed to enjoy it nonetheless, knowing that R5 had their back countless times. Its quick thinking algorithms had saved the lives of the pilots many times over and assisted in the success of many more missions. Being able to calculate methods or other ways of executing key points without the need of emotion helped the pilots escape their fates in ways more than once. R5-T3 has proven their loyalty and steadfast dedication to their duties, gaining it an unwavering reputation amongst the crew.

As time went on, pilots and crew came and went, though R5-T3 remained true, proving to be more than just a machine, but rather a trusted companion thus Theta’s own Flight Leader Jai Thorne took R5-T3 under his ownership. Alejandro himself watched on with pride in knowing that his creation had seated itself well amongst the pilots and the crew on board. Proving to all around that a small touch of a mere astromech can rise to greatness with the right guidance and a touch of ingenuity. Like many other droids in the galaxy, R5-T3 etched their name into history showing that the power of technology can form a bond between man and machine.