Party Time!

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: Hammer celebrates a successful mission the only way they know how, with a party!
Category: Uncategorized Fiction

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The emperor's hammer fleet returns from a hard fought battle on Paldea. After a successful defensive attack from the Ishtari, the fleet returns back home. Admiral Phoenix tells the Battlegroup Hammer to enjoy a successful break from the mission. It was late that evening, all of the pilots, troopers, and officers returned to the hammer’s bar to celebrate a well earned victory.

“We beat them! They were everywhere, thank you KeblaOmega for your quick actions” says Ranger

“Oh it was nothing, I saw you guys needed help and I relied on my prior training. Countless years of Narvan Task’s training drills really did the trick.” says Kebla

KeblaOmega raises his drink into the air and yells out a loud cheer.

“Drinks are on Admiral Phoenix tonight!!”

The bar erupts in a loud cheer and everyone begins to party on the dance floor of The Last Bastion, the Hammer’s signature bar.

Commander Wolve Berkana begins pumping up the jams with his DJ kit, he puts on his pair of headphones, specifically made for Ithorians, and plays from the Hammer’s Greatest Hit’s

“Alright you Hammeroid Hamemers! It's time to get down and boogie woogie, lets party so hard the entire galaxy can hear out beats!”

Solohan, Ranger, Genie, Wookie, Merlin, Aisling, Howler, Red Baron, Dev Morgan, and Gytheran all show up first on the dance floor.

“Alright first up is Lambda Squadron, represent!! Check out Wookie’s smooth moves”

The giant furball falls to the floor and starts breakdancing in the middle. Solohan, the tiniest of ewoks, hops onto Wookie’s feet and starts dancing. He hops to the floor and moonwalks backwards while thrusting his body across the floor.

“Oh shoot Solohans busting a move! Let me show you how a Jawa parties” says Gytheran

Gytheran slides on to the floor, shimming left to right as he dances next to the ewok and Wookie

“Utini Utini, Uuuuu Tinini!!” exclaimed Gytheran

The remainder of Lambda squadron join in, surrounded by the other officers of the Hammer. The entire wing enjoyed themselves with drinks and fun.

“I see everyone out there is having a good time, but you know who i'm not seeing on the floor? That's right, Berkana, get your big bird butt on the dance floor. That's an order!” says Wolve.

“Fiiiiiine” says Phoenix

Phoenix walks down to the floor, with a zucchila in hand, starts doing the funky chicken dance

“Now we’re talking!! Hammsters, we’re gonna party all night long!! No one can stop this party!!” says Wolve

Suddenly, loud explosions rock the Star Destroyer and the entirety of the bar’s patrons nearly tumble over. Missile fire bounces off the fully intact shield system. The bar’s music suddenly comes to a halt.

“What the heck was that?! Did we just take a hit?” yelled Phoenix

“An attack? Out here? We’re nowhere near any hostiles” asked Ranger

“Better check this out, the party can wait. Quickly, get a read on the scanners, who is out there?” ordered Phoenix.

Kebla runs overs to the nearby radar station, drink in hand, he nearly spills his drink over the console

“Uhhh, that's… not right. The scanners say there's at least three hundred ships about 2500 kilometers away and a very large ship following in tow.” says Kebla

“What?! Who is it?!” exclaimed Phoenix

“Wait… these ship signatures are identical to the Ishtari fighters that attacked us over Tusorix, They brought their entire fleet for revenge after we beat them up on Paldea!” yelled Kebla

“Alright, the party's over. Everyone, to your fighters! You know the drill, shoot down these paper thin fighters, make quick work of them so we can get back to the party!” ordered Phoenix

The entirety of the Hammer’s Battlegroup loads up into their TIE Fighters, Bombers, Reapers as they make their way out into the deep dark reaches of space.

“Lambda here, we’re with the other squadrons now. Enemies are in sight, 500 kilometers out” says Genie

“Epsilon here Roger that, our flights will cover you” says La’an

With all the Hammer squadrons deployed, they make their way to the Ishtari ships. Green lasers light up all the fighters, taking down multiple groups in one laser burst.

“Alright! Wiped out at least ten of them, these things are super weak. I can do this all day.” laughed Ranger

“I’m making my pass on another group now, goliath missile locked and firing” says Wookie

The goliath missile locks on to the nearest pack of Ishtari fighters, within a distance of 1000 meters, the goliath missile screams out of the TIE Bomber, it flies towards the locked on target and makes inspect, and a giant explosion wipes out twenty fighters with debris flying everywhere.

“Kill confirmed! Hahahaha” laughed Wookie.

The Hammer’s forces overwhelm the Ishtari, wiping out all of their fighters using barely any effort. The mothership of the Ishtari begins to slowly turn attempting to hyperspace away.

“Guys, I think they’re trying to retreat, let's drop their shields and disable their ship before they can tuck tail and run” ordered Genie.

With the sheer force of the Emperor’s Hammer, all ships, Frigates, and Star Destroyers pummel the Ishtari mothership with every ounce of firepower at their disposal. With almost no time to react, the Ishtari’s shields drop, exposing the hull for attack.

“Shields are down and they’re defenses are all gone. There's nothing left that stands between us and them, let them have it!! Ordered Phoenix

The Hammer doesnt stop firing as they punch holes through the hull of the Ishtari ship, destroying their shield generators, the targeting systems, the engines, and the bridge. Explosions ring out across the entire ship.

“Alright guys that's done it, this thing is about to blow! Pull out and head back to the Hammer” ordered Phoenix

Hammer’s Battlegroup sends all of their ships back home as the Ishtari motherships explode in a giant inferno sending debris throughout space.

“Yeah!! We did it!! That’ll show them not to mess with us!” exclaimed Ranger.

“Indeed” says Phoenix

“Phoenix, now that we’re not under attack… permission to party?” asks Ranger

“You know it, everyone back to the bar. It's party time, and that’s an order” says Phoenix.

All of the Hammer’s pilots and officers make their way back to The Last Bastion bar aboard the Hammer and continue the party where they left off. Showing once again, how the Hammer can have a great time on the dance floor.