A Light Casted On A Shadow

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: The ISDII Hammer Admirals debrief their pilots after an arduous battle
Category: Uncategorized Fiction

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After a meritorious battle, the Emperor’s Hammer recoils from taking on a rebel fleet. Driving away the enemy’s capital ships, the TIE Corps is not without their own losses. Admiral Phoenix Berkana gathers his pilots in the debriefing room where the after action report is discussed.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us, now let's dive right into it shall we? Now, there's no question that the battle could have gone better. It is with great sadness to report that we have lost over two dozen talented TIE pilots across the Corps, however I am thankful to report that our Elite squadrons returned safely with minimal casualties, nothing a good week nights in bacta can’t fix. Initial damage reports show a good portion of our TIEs have sustained damages, we’ll be putting our hangar repair crew to work on the double in order for our ships to be fit for flying.

Our Strategic Operations Commander, Admiral John Clark, has his examination of the skirmish ready for you now and will conduct the remaining debrief. Admiral, please proceed.” says Phoenix as he sits down.

“Ahem. I have gone over the data from the recorded battle, and while we achieved our primary objective, there are a few things that should have gone differently. Let’s take a look here” says Clark.

The admiral pushes a button on a small handheld device turning on a holoprojector. On the screen displays holograms of TIE fighters, TIE Bombers, X-wings, Y-wings and A-wings dogfighting.

“As you can see, we were evenly matched against the rebel fleet’s starfighters. Their focus was on that of our TIE Bombers, knowing the sheer strength they are capable of, it is no question that the rebels would attempt to prevent our bombers from breaking through their lines. Our fighters were focused on engaging with the A-wings, as you know, these ships are fast. Spending too much time chasing down these shifty bastards resulted in our bombers from taking too much fire, prompting a tactical retreat to avoid casualties.” says Clark.

Clark engages the remote, changing the image displayed on the holoprojector, showing the rebels’ Capital Ship fleet.

“With the medium sized fleet, we managed to destroy one medical frigate and heavily damage their MC-75. Had we protected our bombers and promptly wiped out the opposing starfighters rather quickly, it is possible to have also destroyed their second utilizing the full power of our Heavy Assault squadrons. However, the medical frigate was ordered to retreat once their sister frigate was destroyed and returned to reinforce their MC-80 flagship. This played into our favor. Without support from their medical frigate, their MC-75 was left vulnerable. I’d like to commend our Alpha and Lambda Squadron for coordinating their attacks, we were able to analyze their weaknesses which I have prepared a recording of.” says Clark

Clark activates the remote and plays a video on the holo projector. In the visuals, Lambda and Alpha squadron are displayed. The squadrons maneuver within range of the MC-75 and target their shield generators, with quick action, both generators are destroyed leaving the capital ship vulnerable to hull damage. With the shields down, the ships attack the power and targeting system, allowing the imperial fighters to deal considerable damage, punching holes in the hull, and completely obliterating the capital ship from the inside out. The holo projector fades out.

“With the rebels' capital ship destroyed, we forced them to retreat as the remaining ships hyperspace out of the area. Now, while this may seem like a victory, we must keep in mind that this is just the beginning. We now know that there are rebel cells out there and we must remain ever vigilant. Going forward, we will be increasing patrols across the galaxy, your orders will be forthcoming. That is all. Dismissed!” ordered Clark.

The admirals exit the debriefing room, followed by the pilots as they head back to their respective quarters. Ranger, Gytheran, Solohan, and DemWookieeCheeks all begin discussing the debrief.

“Man, what a rough debrief. I felt the mission went well, we drove the rebels back and blew some stuff up!” cheered Ranger.

“Heck yeah, did you see how that capital ship exploded? I haven’t seen something like that in ages! I’m used to boring patrol missions.” says DemWookieCheeks

“Speaking of patrol missions, Ranger and Gytheran, orders just came in from command. You’ve both been assigned to patrol in Ullyr space.” orders Genie.

“Aww man!! And here I thought we’d get a break.” says Gytheran dejectedly

“Look on the bright side, at least we get to fly our TIEs again together.” says Ranger optimistically.