Basic Flight Maneuvers Notes

Table of Contents

Section 6: Conclusion & Glossary

Well, here it is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. As you proceed ahead to take the course exam, I remind you that even those that think they can't get this material usually do. But they only do it by applying what they've learned here in a practical application. I therefore implore you to take what you've learned here and get out and fly! Good hunting, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Glossary of Terms

1V1 - One Versus One

3/9 Line - A line drawn on the craft from wing to wing. A fighter pilot uses this line to
determine whether a craft is in front or behind him.

Aiming Reticule - Visual aid to help increase the probability of hitting a target. Deemed pretty useless in a 1V1.

Bandit - Craft identified as an enemy.

Bank - To roll left or right so that your vector is no longer vertical

Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) - Describes how craft maneuver against each other in one versus one combat.

Bogey - An unidentified craft, usually considered hostile.

Break - A defensive combat maneuver used when attacked from the rear. Performed by turning sharply into a pursuer's line of attack to make him overshoot.

Buy the Farm - Go to that big TIE-Fighter pasture wherever.

Center Point - The exact center of the HUD.

Click - One unit. As in “2 clicks north.”

Closure Rate - The rate at which a bandit is closing on you (positive number) or pulling away from you (negative number.)

Combat Multiview Display - Cockpit instrument which displays:

  • Craft type/name
  • Shield, Hull , and Systems strength
  • Image of the craft
  • Cargo (if any)
  • Distance from you
  • Part of craft targeted.

Dead Reckoning - Navigating without instruments.

Delta Sierra - Dog Sh*t. A nasty situation. “Man, this knife fight is becoming delta sierra really quick.”

Escape Window - A pilot's safe path out of a fight. It represents the chance of safely separating from the fight.

Highway-style - A head on fly-by side to side, as if passing each other on a highway.

HUD - Heads-Up Display.

Hurt Locker - In trouble.

Jink - A violent back and forth maneuver designed to throw off enemy aircraft.

Knife-Fight - A hot and heavy fight with the enemy at close quarters.

Magic Move - A maneuver that will always work in any situation. This is a fallacy because there are never any magic moves in combat.

Punch-out - Eject (not recommended in a 1v1.)

Range - Distance between your craft and the enemy's.

Rookie - A pilot with little or no flight experience. In BFM, a rookie is a pilot with little or no combat experience.

Sierra Hotel - Sh*t Hot. As in “That knife-fight was Sierra hotel! Did you see those turns?!”

Situational Awareness - A pilot's ability to keep track of his surroundings and predict possible actions while in combat.

Six o'clock - Directly behind you. Twelve o'clock is directly in front of you. Three and nine o'clock are your right and left respectively. Addition of high or low indicates where the enemy is in relation to you. “ 4 o'clock low” means that the bandit is below you and is turning towards your six.

Snot locker - Nose. Heading down the snot locker means the bandit is flying at you head on.

Vape - To kill, blow into space debris.

VID - Visually Identify

Weapons envelope - the area around a bandit where your weapons are effective.

Winchester - to use up all your laser charge.