Nature of the Darkside, Part I Notes

The Dark Side of the Force, Part I

Young apprentice, if you wish for your power in the Force to grow beyond the capacity to perform mere parlor tricks, you must open your mind to a greater understanding of the Force and how to best use the dark side of the Force to dominate others and achieve your goals. To assist your studies, this is the first of a three-part series on The Dark Side Of The Force.

"The Force is not a power you have. It’s not about lifting rocks. It’s the energy between all things, a tension, a balance, that binds the universe together." -Luke Skywalker, The Last Jedi

For the sake of simplicity when speaking to the less learned, many describe the Force as an energy field that connects all living things. Certain beings are sensitive to the Force and can learn to access it, gaining powers or abilities that defy explanation by scientific methods. Throughout history, there have been many names and interpretations for the phenomenon known as the Force. This treatise will concentrate on the most prevalent views of the Force as embraced by the two dominant groups of force-users, the defunct Jedi Order and the Sith. Much of the Force remains a mystery and, even among wise scholars and sages, what is “known” about the Force is little more than opinion and conjecture.

Most modern force-sensitive individuals subscribe to a belief in two aspects of the Force - the Living Force and the Cosmic Force. These two aspects complement each other and exist in a symbiotic relationship. There were once thought to be two additional aspects, the Physical Force and the Unifying Force, but these have since come to be known as attributes of the Living Force and Cosmic Force, respectively.

The Living Force

Kenobi: But Master Yoda says I should be mindful of the future.
Jinn: But not at the expense of the moment. Be mindful of the Living Force, my young Padawan.

The most well-known aspect of the Force is the Living Force, which manifests itself as an invisible energy field present in all living things. Defying limits of distance, space, and time, this energy field binds all living things together like a vast web.

Sufficiently powerful and trained individuals can sense and even manipulate the threads of this energy web. The effects of this manipulation can be seen as powerful abilities such as levitating objects, controlling the thoughts of others, or even creating sensational effects such as force lightning. Some force-users, such as the Jedi, seek to minimize the disturbance of these threads and only affect them when necessary for self-defense or altruistic goals. Others, like the Sith, have no qualms about freely exploiting this power for personal gain.

The Cosmic Force

"The ability to destroy a planet, indeed, a whole system, is insignificant compared with the Cosmic Force." – Darth Vader, early cut of ANH

The Living Force, made up of the energy from all living things, feeds into the Cosmic Force. Some believe that the Cosmic Force is sentient, almost like a deity, and exists on a meta-physical plane outside of mortal perception and comprehension. While the Living Force is focused on the present, the Cosmic Force is more concerned with future events. The present is filled with a chaos in which the Living Force revels; the Cosmic Force abhors the chaos and strives for balance. To achieve this balance, some philosophers feel that the Cosmic Force uses the Living Force to manipulate living beings and even directly influence events as it seeks to fulfill its vision of the Galaxy’s larger destiny. This is what is referred to when individuals speak of the “Will of the Force”.

It is through awareness of the Cosmic Force that certain force-sensitive individuals can discern premonitions of the future in the form of visions or dreams. Also, when a life form dies, its energy passes into the Cosmic Force. However, some powerful force-users were even able to transcend death and cause the essence of their spirit to enter intact into the Cosmic Force where their consciousness may live forever and even briefly return to the material plane as a “Force Ghost”.


"I’ve been wondering…what are midi-chlorians?" – Anakin, TPM

Scholars maintain that midi-chlorians, sentient microbes present in the cells of all living things, channel the energy of the Cosmic Force through host-beings, thereby forming the Living Force. In this way, midi-chlorians serve to connect the Cosmic Force to the physical realm. It is also through subliminal congress with their body’s midi-chlorians that a force-sensitive individual can perceive and affect the energy field of the Living Force and even gain awareness of the Will of the Cosmic Force. Some feel that the midi-chlorians are symbionts that are vital for the existence of life. Others believe the midi-chlorians to be parasites and gatekeepers that interrupt and frustrate one’s potential to tap into greater powers of the Force. Whatever their true purpose, it has been noted by many researchers that beings with a large number of midi-chlorians in their cells often have a high propensity for force-sensitivity, though there have been some exceptions.


In summary, the Force is an ecosystem of energy, with all parts working together in symbiotic relationships. The Cosmic Force shares its energy with living beings through midi-chlorians, making life possible. The energy possessed by all living beings forms the Living Force which binds the Galaxy together. When a life-form dies, its energy returns to the Cosmic Force, completing the cycle.

Now, my student, you have begun to walk the path to greater power. You should be aware of the two aspects of the Force known as the Living Force and the Cosmic Force. You should also have an insight into the curious life-forms known as midi-chlorians. In the next lesson, we will discuss the duality of the Force known as the Light Side and the Dark Side.


Written by COL Aardvark