Krath Phase II Notes

Table of Contents

Section 2: Krath Today

The Krath are a mysterious and secret Order that prefer to keep to themselves and keep their large tomes of knowledge hidden within the Order's archives. This innate scholarly nature often causes them to be mistaken for an easy target by outsiders, but anyone who has truly met a Krath will tell another story entirely. The Krath Order is an Order strong in the use of the raw Force. Through centuries of honing and study they have come to possess the ability to destroy things with mere thought and perform other astounding feats with the Dark Side provided they have progressed into the advanced ranks of the Krath Priesthood. Unlike the Sith who rely on their ships and the Obelisk who rely on their arsenal of weaponry, the Krath rely on the pure, unaltered Force to do their dirty work.

Aeons of study have made them brilliant strategists. They are often consulted by the Sith and Obelisk in times of war to find the best strategy of attack in a crucial battle. The Krath are particularly strong in being able to see into the future, often claiming that one only has to study the past to know how it repeats itself. This powerful, Force-reliant Order is now, like the other Orders, led by the Grand Master himself, who, with the assistance of the Headmaster, inducts all new members into the Order, later giving them the age-old Krath Talisman upon their ascension into the Krath Priesthood, believed in ancient times to be a way to communicate with the god Krath. The Grand Master is not alone in his duties, however, and is assisted by a group known as the Krath Consistory, a secretive group of individuals appointed by the Dark Lord who lead the various programs of the Krath Order. These individuals have the ability to earn the title of Cardinal, a title that calls for great respect and deference even among the members of the Consistory. The title symbolizes an individual's rise to power within the Krath Order and is an honor infrequently given, as few Krath meet the high standards it calls for within their lifetime.