Theta Report # 3 (2014-04-18)

This report was submitted by CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior

Theta Squadron WSR #3

As we head into Easter things have settled into a steady pace, with a number of pilots providing a steady flow of MP and SP efforts, with others buoying the wing and squad lists. As I've said before I'm happy to do whatever I can to facilitate activity and more importantly enjoyment, but that relies to an extent on feedback from the bottom upwards, rather than my joyous brand of top down tyranny. I'm hoping to see a new push once we're all rested post Easter, so with that in mind enjoy your next few days - rest assured your COM has a long term plan for the ships competitions that looks to be narrative driven and more importantly a good laugh. Since Beta's challenge we've dropped the ego a notch, this needs to be reborn anew, but nothing as tacky as Kappa-hype because that's just... well, it speaks for itself. Friendly banter and inter-squadron rivalry is to be maintained obviously, removing the word friendly when dealing with any of the Shammer's squadrons!

Operating Thetan for the second week saw CPT Flelm continue to cling onto the mantle of MP supremo within Theta, particularly as my own Star Conflict activity fell of the side of a cliff and was left in the ravine of apathy for about 10 days this month. Rest assured I'm slowly clawing my way out of it, but for now at least all honours to Flelm. Mark's 6 missions was enough to claim the SP title for the week past, so well done on all accounts - IS-BWs have been awarded to each, with Flelm's pending approval due to an admin error on my part, proof enough that the SOO actually reads and checks his work. A distressing development...

Flight activity is continuing to trickle in, while the Theta Run-On has momentarily stalled, i'd encourage anyone looking to make an easy contribution to the squadron to go there and flesh out their flight character a little if nothing else. Moving on to a related subject MoCs and other MSE medals are pending approval from the TCCOM and SOO, so they can be expected within the next few days, although with Easter looming Tuesday may well be a more likely target. Another 2 weeks remains in this reporting month so now is the time to start driving activity in the direction of medals and promotions.

We retain a single vacancy within the squad so please do attempt to speak to any vets or similar you're still in contact with, it would be great to see a full squad, however briefly!

I'll update Rogues Gallery scores on conclusion of this round on Tuesday, it appears to have been a far harder week so you can have a little more time to have a try - so far everyone knows the first one, but they're struggling beyond that. It may well be that my attempts to counter Tin-Eye have entirely worked too well, or that I've used obscenely obscure characters... both may well be true!

Prima Inter Pares

CPT Flelm pips Yoda to the post this week, his 38 LoCs ensuring Theta keeps a bridgehead on the MP Kill Board - Yoda is closing on a mere LT who hopefully will be too put off by the shiness of his assembled medals to offer more than a token resistance...

Current Squadron Status

1-1 - COL La'an - IRC/Mail activity, CMDR Duties, WSR, 9x LoC (SC), MB Runon Post
1-2 - LCM Keth Aalith - Mail activity
1-3 - CPT Flelm - Mail Activity, 31x LoC (SC), IS-BW Awarded for Operating Thetan MP, MB Runon Post
1-4 - Vacant
2-1 - COL Mell Kerrigan - IRC/Mail activity, XO Duties, 2x LoC (SC), MB Runon Post, RG Submission
2-2 - COL Mark Schueler – IRC/Mail activity, 6x SP Missions FLown, IS-BW Awarded for Operating Thetan SP, LO Duties, MB Runon Post
2-3 - COL Horus Blackheart - IRC/Mail activity, Sighted on SC
2-4 - COL Torres - Mail Activity, RG Submission
3-1 - GN Gilad Pelleaon - IRC/Mail activity
3-2 - MAJ Nebular - No activity sighted!
3-3 - COL Handril Madon - Mail activity, MUD Compilation
3-4 - GN Pickled Yoda - Mail activity, 8x LoC (SC), Awarded IS-BR for Ship Motto Comp, MB Runon Post

Current Fleet Competitions

All current comps are listed @

Theta Competitions

As above, Operating Thetan MP/SP are running, as well as the Rogues Gallery. All comps will run on a weekly basis and be reviewed at the end of 2014. I'm always open to further addition or suggestion, open door policy remains...

Operational Picture

...and therefore in light of previous good activity the COM has permitted Theta to go ashore on leave, however ONLY with the following caveats... Yoda and Gilad must be kept apart, two GNs drinking together will create such a weight of fond memories and reminiscence that younger officers are likely to be left demoralised and looking to apply to some ISD named after a wolf, Flelm needs to shepherd Keth at all times on the off chance he falls victim to opportunistic locals, and the COLs and MAJ can only stay in a single establishment for 90 minutes at a time - we can't afford to keep paying damages. Finally, if it hits the fan remember the immortal words that will get you out of things - repeat after me "I'm a proud pilot of Beta Squadron, MAJ Kroan is the man you need to speak to". I'll be at... a friends home and out of reach for approximately 6 hours, Mell knows where but I'm only to be contacted in case of EMERGENCY. Not like last time, not being able to pay the tab doesn't constitute an emergency... …

(Theta CMDR, pre-leave brief, ISD Warrior)

...Recharge complete, active status engaged, resuming primary programming... Subject located, ident confirmed, Bonini, D, High Admiral. Commencing tracking log, audio receiver live, transmission circuit engaged. Assessment in progress, completed, subject not visible, likely location... fresher... analysing vocal and olfactory signals. 14% Chalquilla, 8% Commercial Anti-freeze, 32% Arcturan Brandy, 23% Lomian Ale, 12% Corellian Fire-whisky, 11% Organic material, possibly meat, assess as likely local dish. Analysis confirms high temperature and heart rate, contact medical officer? Negative, commence recording. ...

(---CLASSIFIED SOURCE---, ISD Challenge)

CMDR's Corner

Enjoy your leave and whatever you choose to spend your time doing, I'll be driving between various familial outposts, but will still be in range if contact or assistance is needed,

Yours aye,

CMDR/COL Jarek La'an/Theta/Wing II/ISDII Warrior
MoC-1doc-1poc-2goc-3soc-15boc/CoLx7/CoB/LoAx5/OV-10E [DCRN] [Ace 4th] {IWATS-AIM-BFM-

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